Buying a NSX - need advice

5 June 2013
Need help and advice. I am trying to purchase an NSX from private seller. Unfortunately I cannot go to pick up the car or meet the owner. I am trying to do all on the phone and email. How do you send such a big amount to the seller and it would protect both the buyer and seller. Raj
When I sold a car long distance, I had established a pretty good relationship with the buyer through email, pictures, etc. After the PPI, done at his expense at the local expert, he agreed to send me a check. When it cleared I sent him the title WITH THE WRITTEN UNDERSTANDING that upon seeing the car, if he had any hesitation I would reverse the transaction.
He flew into town and as it turned out he was, and I believe still is, very happy.
I do not know how common such a scenerio is but that is how we did it.
Look at You pay them, he ships the car, you have 'n' days to say 'ok', they release the funds or you ship the car back. AFAIK that is the way it works. Otherwise, get on a plane,....
Where is the car located? There is probably a prime member not to far away who might be willing to check out the car's general and cosmetic condition...things a PPI might not really reveal.
Boca Rat's suggestion on or some such service might be a good idea.

In my case I was the buyer. I flew to pick up the car with a cashiers check (but today with scammers a seller almost needs to make sure it clears) and we did the bill of sale. I was able to take the car with the bill of sale, but he kept the title until the check cleared and then mailed it.

He worked at the local Honda dealership, so he had all the proper paperwork. It was his personal car.

The best way would be to fly there, with both of you having accounts at the same bank, like Bank of America or whatever bank. Then you could do the transaction there and be done with it.

But you already mentioned you couldn't go to pick up the car. A prime member in the area might be the next best bet.

It's tough having enough faith to purchase a car like an NSX without seeing it.
For me we agreed on a price. I had my bank print out a check. When i got there and everything was ok, we went to his bank, his bank called mine to verify funds. And off I went with the car.
I've purchased numerous cars private party... It's simple.

Get a round trip ticket just in case & hand over the check when the keys are handed over.

They should also let you drive home on their plates as well out of courtesy. Every seller has let me do it and I have returned the favor with every buyer.
I agree borrow the plates is a kind gesture and if the seller finds out its a fake check or what ever he can call the police to look for a stolen car with his plates.

but dont wire money its not reversable and if he is an NSXPRIME member I am sure someone on NSXPRIME can drive by look at the car for you. most
and let me stress most people on NSXPRIME are fair good people. not to many are a-holes or evil in their heart. I know I was robbed for 1000 deposit just last week from a member of NSXPRIME

so if you do wire money have him sign something in writing saying the conditions of this verbal contract it will cover your a_z and have his scan it send it back to you or mail a signed copy.
the things you learn the hard way makes you smarter for the next time ya know
I agree borrow the plates is a kind gesture and if the seller finds out its a fake check or what ever he can call the police to look for a stolen car with his plates.

That's taking a potential big risk depending upon your state's negligence laws. If the buyer gets in an accident while your plates are on the car you could be liable for that accident.
well what I did when I got my R77 NSX in New Orleans, we went to the title place and they voided the Plate but I could keep it. he then canceled his Insurance over the phone
and I already had insurance on the car which I showed the title place,

the plate was just for first glance from a cop it would pass inless I was speeding or something, but even then I had a bill of sale, the title and proof of insurance, wasnt registered to me yet but any officer would understand.
That's taking a potential big risk depending upon your state's negligence laws. If the buyer gets in an accident while your plates are on the car you could be liable for that accident.

I have always worked it into the bill of sale that ownership and liability is transferred when the keys are handed over and the buyer has to present a valid insurance policy card for it. If that would hold up in court, who knows... probably not.

One time I drove an NSX from SF to NC with no plate at all :)
If anyone wants to come by and look at the car for Raj, I am located in Destin Florida. Its a 2005 NSX silver/onyx with 10,500 miles on it. The car has been detailed more times than it has been driven. Its in truly amazing condition with no scratches, dents, or problems. When Raj agreed to buy the car I even had it serviced and replaced battery, brake fluids, and oil change service just because the car simply has not been driven much.

Let me know and I will take her out the garage, but only if its not raining.

I just sent a deposit on one and am going to do one of two things depending on what time the flight I schedule lands. If before 2pm I can wire the money directly to his bank account (we'll be at his bank to have the title notarized and make the transaction anyway), if after 2pm, I intend to bring cashier's checks from my bank that his bank can verify before he gives me possession of the car, or otherwise I'll have to wait until the next day to wire the money to his account.

Either way, if you work it out with your bank in advance they can be prepared to verify funds immediately if someone from his bank calls to check.
I just purchased an NSX from AZ, drove back to California with no plates (seller's plates were vanity, he wanted them). AZ had a 3-day temporary registration thing that you can buy online when purchasing a used vehicle but I opted to be a rebel.

A few years ago I sold my NSX and I left the plates on the car and the buyer ran a red light and was caught on camera, the ticket was sent to me but good thing I already filed the release of liability.