Buyers Beware JH4NA1156RT000078

I am in the DC area too and found this one in Annandale.

The owner was very open about the condition of vehicle and reasons for selling.

The passenger side rear fender was replaced, but whoever did the repair work did a great job. Owner challenged me to figure out which quarter panel was replaced before telling me... He told me who did the work, but I can't remember... Dunno if you're familiar with Kaiser Silver...but it is metalic and whoever sprayed the paint, got the mix right and it is incrediblly even.

Other than that, there are some paint chips out of the lower bumper, but that seemed to be normal wear and tear.

I passed as I decided that I was willing to pay more for fewer miles (purchased a '01 with 16K miles).

Good luck with your Hunt...!
cebernstein said:
I offered to take the car to a local Acura dealer to have it checked out as I would for anyone. The alleged buyer said he wanted to drive down to Florida. He drove down. I didn't ask him to come or to take off of work or force him to drive here as he states.

I told him about the window misalignment prior to his trip. I don't drive the vehicle much because I own 4 other cars including an '02 NSX. I drove it the day before he came and the A/C operated well. I will fix any problem with the A/C.

The wheels on the car look fine and I have the stock rims as well. The car doesn't shake, it hasn't since I owned it. The fact that the alleged buyer said that is absolutely ridiculous.

When the alleged buyer said that he wasn't interested in the vehicle, he asked me what I was going to do about him driving all the way down here? I didn't really know how to answer that question so I asked him what he wanted me to do about it? He had no response. I asked him if he'd like gas money? I don't really know what the proper response is to that.

In summation, I didn't ever lie to the buyer or leave anything out. He's angry because he drove down and the car didn't meet his expectations so he's painting me out to be a bad guy because of it. As I said above, I will take the car to an Acura dealer for an inspection for anyone who is interested. I am not dishonest nor was I ever to this buyer. He is just upset and looking for someone to blame (me) for "wasting gas" on a vehicle that didn't meet his expectations.
Judging from the pictures and what YOU told me and what you said now, you GROSSLY misrepresented your car. You told me multiple times that your car needed absolutely nothing and now you told the other guy about a misaligned window. The AC stopped working all of a sudden on the day the guy came by? You do realize that you are not selling the car to 3 year old boy but to a community of people that are well informed about NSX. People drove or flew down to buy your car all gave you the assumption that your were a upstanding and honest seller and you are obviously not. People wasted hundreds of dollars and invaluable time to travel to your place in good faith but ended up being screwed by your dishonesty. Of course your car does not meet ANYONE's expectation since you described it as near mint and you priced it as such. If you have any integrity, you should disclose the true condition of your car and not further victimize unsuspecting people. I am just glad that I trusted my own instinct so not to waste time and money on you. Looks like your car has had every panel from front to back worked on. Are you sure if your car is not one of those salvaged cars that had the titles washed?
Re: Buyers Beware

AU_NSX said:
Welcome to NSXPrime...

I'm sorry for your bad experience with a dishonest seller... They are out there!

Just a suggestion, instead of taking time off work to view an interstate car, maybe next time you could ask if a local NSX Prime member either knows the car or would check it out initially for you... Before you spend your time and money...

That happens a lot here... We even do that in Australia... Just to help another enthusiast out...

Good luck!

I purchased my 93 a few years ago. It was an out-of-state purchase. I strongly recommend trying to find a PRIME member to check the car out for you first, and/or paying for a reputable NSX shop to inspect the car. This will help eliminate obvious misrepresentations or things that the seller is not aware of. In the end though, for cosmetics, you have to see it for yourself. 'Mint' means different things to different people.

Good luck.
The vastly different interpretations of the word "mint" never cease to amaze me.
Tokyo Joe said:
Just to back up what others who have seen this car in person are saying, I inspected the car that cebernstein was selling and was also shocked and very dissappointed at this supposedly "very clean, low mileage, well kept" nsx. Following are pictures of my findings:

The car must have spent some time near the ocean as evidenced by the following pics showing the amount of oxidation and rust on the underbody and engine bay

Wow, my 1991 with 115,000 miles is cleaner than that!!!
Charlie is probably gone for good...shamed into dissapearing by this fabulous community. :smile:
Chances are Cebernstein bought it that way. When he found out about the damage he went and bought a clean 02 and is now trying to pass his problem off to someone else. Too little time between when he bought it and then tried to sell it. Either way he got PWNT..


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Thanks for the excellent research Tuttie_phace and Tokyo Joe.

That car is pure junk - Not worth $20k IMHO. btw, did anybody find out about timing belt and water pump.

When buying a used car: Always do a PPI specially on a used car from Florida.
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NSXLuvr said:
Thanks for the excellent research Tuttie_phace and Tokyo Joe.

That car is pure junk - Not worth $20k IMHO. btw, did anybody find out about timing belt and water pump.

When buyging a used car: Always do a PPI specially on a used car from Florida.

The timingbelt and waterpump were never replaced
I'm NOT an NSX owner as of yet but looking now as well. I too just wanted to "chime" in how helpful my NSX/Prime people have been here in my area. I get emails often from local Prime guyes looking out for me. I appreciate the brotherhood of NSX owers and can't wait to be a "driving" member.

Tuttie_Phace said:
Thanks for reading guys! I am definitely not discourged. Next time, I will make sure to get it checked by a local prime member. Everyone seems to be so helpful here. I will keep looking for the right NSX. Although I am afraid if I wait too long, winter is will be here soon and I will not be able to enjoy the car.
cebernstein said:
blah blah blah blah blah

He is just upset and looking for someone to blame (me) for "wasting gas" on a vehicle that didn't meet his expectations.

The large majority of your post is garbage, and I refuse to spend any much more time on you than is really required, until I came to the final line in your which I answer, "MY POINT EXACTLY!"...except for the "he is just upset and looking for someone to blame" part...well, you ARE to blame!

And anyone would be pissed off if they spent hundreds on gas (especially with crazy gas prices these days), drive nearly 2,000 miles and took days off from work to come and view your car...the one which you delivered false expectations on. So of course your car didn't meet my expectations, simply becuase they were FALSE expectations! All of this was explained in my first post.
WOW thanks guys. Ive been wasting my time with this guy for the past few days (email only). I saw the car on autotrader. He is completely full of sh!t. I wont even waste my time posting his emails. He acts like he knows nothing about cars, yet he has two NSXs, I knew there was something up. I live about 3 hours away from him.

You guys are great! Ill hunt further for my new NSX.

No one noticed the Fram oil filter? :)

cebernstein said:
I am a real estate broker and I used to be in the car business right after college.

Wellllllll, THAT would explain quite a bit !!! :rolleyes::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Anybody that sells for a living knows that telling the truth and withholding pertinent information from a buyer are NOT the same thing (to HIM anyway !!!), when of course they ARE ! :mad:
Hugh said:
No one noticed the Fram oil filter? :)


Hugh, but think about it, he has a 35,000'ish dollar car(his assessment, not mine) and he wants to save a few bucks on a filter. That is just another sign of how much/little he knows about the NSX. :rolleyes: He pays 35,000 and goes cheep.
I know Tuttie and he is a 100% upstanding guy. No BS from him! He told me about this car.
Let's hope the current owner "gets" to keep this car for a long while.
You know what frightens me? The pics from the new place (Chicago Motors) make the car look good.
wow, i guess if the car was very carefully detailed, it can look good.
hopefully the owner isn't here in prime...
Sorry to hear about your experience but I'm not surprised at all. I've seen 5 cars for sale here during the past 2 years. I wouln't buy any of these 5 cars. Ok, it's just a matter of preferences how good the car should have been kept and preferences differ naturally. :)

The more owners the bader the condition.

Some calculations: If the probability of a 'good' owner is 0.2.
Two owner scenario: the chance is 0.04 (2 good owners) of getting a mint car and 0.16 of a good (first one a bad owner, 2nd owner repaired some issues of the 1st owner) car

Three owner scenario: the chance is 0.008 (less than 1 %!) of getting a mint car and 0.064 of a good (assuming only one bad owner and not the 3rd one) car. 0.512 for the rotten one with 3 bad owners. 0.768 for a car with 2 or more bad owners. 76.8 % !!! :eek:

If the probability of a 'good' owner is 0.5, (wishful thinking? :tongue::)).
Two owner scenario: the chance is 0.25 of getting a mint car and 0.25 of a good (first one a bad owner, 2nd owner repaired some issues of the 1st owner) car

Three owner scenario: the chance is 0.125 of getting a mint car and 0.25 of a good (assuming only one bad owner and not the 3rd one) car. 0.125 for the rotten one with 3 bad owners. 0.5 for a car with 2 or more bad owners.

Even with the assumed 0.5 probability of a good owner after 3 owners you get with the chance of 50 % a bad car with two bad owners. As far as I can judge here in Switzerland with only about 260 cars the prob of a good owner is certainly far below 0.5.
0.2 is much more appropriate. 3rd hand is quite common for a 15 years old car. So don't be surprised to see 95 % of NSX advertised as 'mint' but in fact to see 76.8 % of them not 'mint' at all. The only chance is that the third owner loved his vehicle that much that he cancelled all the misbehaves of the previous owners. A very rare event. I've even seen a car where only one owner was 'needed' to rotten down the car. Very sad indeed.

Never believe an advertise as long as you don't see some evidence. Ask for high-resolution pics of every perspective, service history, bills the seller can send you via email. If he's not willing to do this better stay away, it's almost not worth it taking the trip. All else is wishful thinking like my 0.5 probability above. :)