BUY IT NOW $10K '03 M3's on ebay...$7k '04 330's...scam?

28 January 2004
Has anyone noticed a slew of dirt cheap BMW's on ebay? The all are in almost new condition with clean titles. Im sure its a scam somehow but Im still trying to get to the bottom of it. Does anyone else know what the catch is on these? Here are the links to the vehicles in question. If you buy one, lemme know if it ever comes. :D
MF-DIF said:
Has anyone noticed a slew of dirt cheap BMW's on eBay? The all are in almost new condition with clean titles. I'm sure its a scam somehow but I'm still trying to get to the bottom of it. Does anyone else know what the catch is on these? Here are the links to the vehicles in question. If you buy one, lemme know if it ever comes. :D

Hell you think that is a good deal - that's nothing! I am selling this for only $5000!



EBay is the most efficient buying/selling place on earth. There is absolutely no way that high volume cars (relatively) with known market value and relatively high liquidity (go into any dealer in the country and come out with the check for more then that in 1 hour) are going to sell that low.

Please resist the urge of being gullible. I would hate to see anyone fall victim to something like that.
All are listed as invalid items now. :)
Have some fun. Go ahead and email them (as I have) and you'll get a bunch of idiotic stories. In the end, it's always the same're fronting money (one way or another) on the thought the car is going to appear at your address...with no real guarantee.

One of the previous comments is right; Ebay is as close to a perfect marketplace as you can design. There is no way a product with this kind of demand is going to go that cheap when everybody knows about it…unless there’s something fishy.