BURNT MOTOR, how $ to repair/replace

S2KxC4S said:
It sold for $24,250! WOW!

More than just a motor got burned there!!! :eek:
i was there...i figured if it went cheap it would be a fun project and i have most of what was needed.....but 24K !!!!!

wow are cars are worth more burned or wrecked than working :)
he may have been there physically, but he was not there mentally. :eek: What's his name because I have a lot of crap he would probably buy. :biggrin:
That kind of buy and fix on a rebuildable is very normal. I have seen a really bad accident on a Modena 360 and I mean a bad hit still go in the high $30,000 in a auction. And even more normal on any high price vehicle. I do that kind of work on the side. If you have the connections in the auto world like body shops, parts/salvage car shops. Things get alot I mean alot cheaper than what the normal person can do.

yeah manny but a 360 for 30Kill buy that all day because the car is going for 90K plus now...but a 2000 nsx for ALMOST 30k...that goes for 50K w/ a good title.....not a smart way to make 5 grand...if you could....
01blacks4 said:
yeah manny but a 360 for 30Kill buy that all day because the car is going for 90K plus now...but a 2000 nsx for ALMOST 30k...that goes for 50K w/ a good title.....not a smart way to make 5 grand...if you could....

Dude, the Modena 360 was about $39,000 worth of scrap metal. I hope the driver made it out alive (god bless). Trust me I have make over $10k plus on cheaper cars than the NSX. All I am saying as myself as proof you can make alot of money if you have the right things in line.
So a almost 30k NSX with a good title worth 50k on the streets gives you about 20K to play with. I have put together a front end damaged NSX for around $5000 including paint work worth about that same price if I did'nt have the connects. The car looks better than it was new. So that car with just engine bay burn would be easy to me. I redid a 3rd gen RX7 for with fire damage. I have actually seen that car on the rebuildable market about couple months ago, and I already have the rear glass, fire housing glass and motor. I just have to many projects right now. I not just some idealistic keyboard banger. If these cars are put back together right and within spec money can be made. If not, it is worth even more money in parts.
So you can't go wrong.

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Funny how the body didn't melt. There was an NSX in Canada that almost totally burned up, there were no rear fenders left after the fire was put out.
manny if you reread the post i wrote ...the car had a salvage title..went for 24.5K and would be atleast 15K to fix (i have about 1/3 of the parts to do it) and i passed on the deal...w/ salvage the car should would sell for 45K, 40K at the lowest.

so 24k in the car 15k to fix 40 into the car (this is if the motor was good) not a good way to make some cash...

this one looked good but it wasnt....not for 24k
Ok salvage title is a little different story. Can be done up still but less money in profit.