Buffalo Stampede III - The Wright Way Photos

28 March 2002
Thank you to one of the biggest supporters of the NSXCA - Ray Laks Acura - for hosting us tonight.

And thanks to Ron and Ginnie for putting together the weekend for us.







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Thanks for bringing the event home. Looks like we missed a fun time and great friends and food :frown:
Unfortunately work came first this time :mad:
Have a Fantastic time on the Wright Run tomorrow :cool:
We miss all of you,
Alan & Roberta

Thank you to one of the biggest supporters of the NSXCA - Ray Laks Acura - for hosting us tonight.

And thanks to Ron and Ginnie for putting together the weekend for us.







I didn't sign up for this as it was just a few days after "Kids Day". Then when that got canceled I was sorry I hadn't signed up, and now after seeing those pastries, I'm really kicking myself. Maybe next time. Howard:frown:
Agrrh! I wish I was there.

Is that Jon L. n the Hawaiian shirt and shorts?

looks like it, glad he is still in the loop....we all need at least one crazy dentist in every crowd:biggrin:
What a GREAT time..............wonderful tour, people, fun and oh yeah - cars! 30 min. home from where we stopped on the Hwy, pool took 30 seconds, now I'll get ready and back over the bridge to meet in time for dinner............wait, I can take longer to get ready as I have connections grandfathered in from the early days and will just part the waters and drive across..........see you soon!
Great people, beautiful weather, delicious food,fast cars, interesting places what else can a man ask for??? There's more excellent food tonight.

Thanks to all that participated
A special thanks to our surpise visitor (Doc Bling )
Ron & Ginnie:biggrin::biggrin:
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Great photos, looks like everyone is having a great time. I don't see a lamborghini around, so who's NSX did Rich steal this time around? Or did the lamborghini sit in the back parking lot with the vette?
Wish we could have been there.......Big E and the Lovely V seem to have found the fountain of youth....sorry Rich :tongue:
Rich (Passline) had the A3 support wagon. Great photo of Bob and his better half, who took it? Great photos Bob, they look so much better on the laptop than the phone!!! Even the ride home, through a dozen squalls couldn't take away from a great trip. Had a couple of close calls with LEO, but all was good. Thanks again to Ron and Ginny for a fantastic weekend, everything was done to perfection and ran with precision. Ron should have been a drill sergeant!!!!:wink:
who's that guy?????

great to reconnect with my tribe. thanx for the welcome back
to nsxville. i was never really gone, it just took you guys awhile to catch
up to me.....:biggrin:

buffalo is my second home. it was great to be back!
ginnie and ronnie: much love, you are the heart of western ny!

see y'all down the road.
A Huge Round of Applause goes to Ron and Ginnie for organizing a fantastic event. They are now the official party planners of the NE!

Great photo's Bob. It was almost like I was there. Oh wait a minute, I was.

Thanks to everybody who was there for making it so much fun.
Thankyou to all involved Rat Laks Acura & Ron & Ginny it was a wonderful & FUN weekend .. and it was great to see new & old friends THANKYOU!!!
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What a wonderful way to spend a day, and THANKS to all those who went out of their way to arragne this with a BIG thanks again to Ron and Ginnie for the invite........no doubt this won't be my last function with you and I'll be sure to check "your" threads for furture events.








