Bring back the CART safety team

4 April 2002
Sacramento CA

Could they be any more incompetent? Let's just look at the response times

1. Simona de Silvestro is sliding to a stop for 20 seconds clearly with a serious fire.
2. She sits there stuck for 10 seconds before a truck rolls up.
3. The first truck crew looks like the 3 stooges.
4. It takes 25 seconds to get a puny single bottle on the flames. With 12 guys standing around, there should've been 6 bottles on that fire.
5. They can't find the latches for the head surround, so she's wrenched out of there like a rag doll.

And I thought things may have improved since the early year Earl clusters. Guess not. :eek:
It looked like a NASCAR event.

I thought the Homaltro (sp) safety team was the group of traveling professionals that used to be the CART safety team, but last night proved that wrong.

I'm with you about bringing them back as they were the best in the business of safety.

All the hype about the safety innovations from American Open Wheel racing must have been lost by the bozo's in the trucks. Good thing DiSilvestro only suffered burned hands.

She would have been better off if she was knocked out - at least she wouldn't have known they were boobs!!
Looks like the hose from the first truck failed as well or didn't pressurize fast enough. Possible user error or equipment fail.
WOW! that was amazing. I didn't see that race. Jan Beekus (sp) had the best comment. "You need to get the neck restraint out, or something along those lines." It must have been binding! Obviously. They sure did rag doll her outta there.

They really did look like three stooges performing a comedy skit.

Re: Surround, not HANS

There has been some confusion by non-racers and even some racers based on Beekus's vague reference to "neck restraint." Jan was referring to the cockpit head surround, not the HANS device. On the ovals with the high and lengthy G load, the surround is tight, probably tighter than ones used on road courses. Not to say that the HANS wasn't a secondary resulting complication.

My guess is that if she wasn't a rookie, (and assuming she didn't have her bell rung too bad), she prolly would have had the surround out herself before they got there.

I'll bet they're looking at the surround connections as well as crew training as they should.