Breathalyzer in her car?

2 March 2003
San Francisco
I am not making this up. On Sunday I had a first date with this woman I had briefly met at a party. ( 5’1”, 100 pounds, very cute, fantastic body, blond hair down to her butt, etc.) Objective: meet for coffee and get to know each other. She arrived, I asked if she wanted coffee and she said she would rather have a drink. OK. We walk down the street to this bar. She orders a double tequila on the rocks. OK. During the course of our conversation she orders two more tequilas on the rocks. OK. Now she is ripped and can’t make that drive home. No problem. I walked to the coffee place, don’t have my car, so I can drive her car back to my place, we’ll park her car in my garage, and we’ll kick back until she feels she can make the drive.:wink:

We arrive at her car, she hands me the keys and then tells me that I have to blow into this breathalyzer or the ignition won’t work. :eek: What? :confused: She said it was to protect her self against any DUI charges. Is there a court system or police order that would insist on this? Just curious.:confused: Why would someone do this?

Anyway, at my place she got shi******, she drank a bottle of Champaign on her own. Was a bitch and a date from hell. Wouldn’t acknowledge her or give her a nod if I saw her in the desert, but just wondered about this breathalyzer thing.
A few years ago, the shop that installed my sound system in one of my cars was also doing installations of these breathalyzers in cars of DUI offenders; I don't know if it was by court order or if it was an option.
Court Order. They are very expensive. No one would put one in their car by choice. They are very sensitive too, as I got a call at 7am to go blow in my friends car in the morning so she could go to work. She was drinking the night before and the next morning the machine wouldn't let her start her car.
Court Order. They are very expensive. No one would put one in their car by choice. They are very sensitive too, as I got a call at 7am to go blow in my friends car in the morning so she could go to work. She was drinking the night before and the next morning the machine wouldn't let her start her car.

You can still have a BAC greater than the legal limit when you wake up, from the previous night. This is one of the situations the device is designed to protect against.
I am not making this up. On Sunday I had a first date with this woman I had briefly met at a party. ( 5’1”, 100 pounds, very cute, fantastic body, blond hair down to her butt, etc.) Objective: meet for coffee and get to know each other. She arrived, I asked if she wanted coffee and she said she would rather have a drink. OK. We walk down the street to this bar. She orders a double tequila on the rocks. OK. During the course of our conversation she orders two more tequilas on the rocks. OK. Now she is ripped and can’t make that drive home. No problem. I walked to the coffee place, don’t have my car, so I can drive her car back to my place, we’ll park her car in my garage, and we’ll kick back until she feels she can make the drive.:wink:

We arrive at her car, she hands me the keys and then tells me that I have to blow into this breathalyzer or the ignition won’t work. :eek: What? :confused: She said it was to protect her self against any DUI charges. Is there a court system or police order that would insist on this? Just curious.:confused: Why would someone do this?

Anyway, at my place she got shi******, she drank a bottle of Champaign on her own. Was a bitch and a date from hell. Wouldn’t acknowledge her or give her a nod if I saw her in the desert, but just wondered about this breathalyzer thing.

I saw one of those before. It's the V-TAAACH BOOSTER!!!!!!!

Sorry... Couldn't resist.

But seriously,


If it doesn't obviously look like an iPod or a phone, my only advice to you is to run!
I saw one of those before. It's the V-TAAACH BOOSTER!!!!!!!

Sorry... Couldn't resist.

But seriously,


If it doesn't obviously look like an iPod or a phone, my only advice to you is to run!

hahahah too funny.

OP: great story and I agree with DrVolk, sounds like the chick came straight out of the 40 yr old virgin movie. Glad you took her car. Vomit on your nsx's carpets would've been disastrous.
GAWD ALMIGHTY. This woman was the Devil. She was too drunk to get away from and too crazy to keep around. I soon figured out when we got back to my place that she was spooky.:eek:

No, she didn't puke in my NSX, just my bathroom.

Sometimes I think I'll just buy a dog. Well, on the other hand you could get a crazy dog as well...

Have to get that video for a laugh. Thanks guys.
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Court Order. They are very expensive. No one would put one in their car by choice. They are very sensitive too, as I got a call at 7am to go blow in my friends car in the morning so she could go to work. She was drinking the night before and the next morning the machine wouldn't let her start her car.

Question, If anyone starts someones car in this manner and that person kills someone in an accident, would that person be in serious trouble? Might be safer blowing something else.:eek:
GAWD ALMIGHTY. This woman was the Devil. She was too drunk to get away from and too crazy to keep around. I soon figured out when we got back to my place that she was spooky.:eek:

No, she didn't puke in my NSX, just my bathroom.

Sometimes I think I'll just buy a dog. Well, on the other hand you could get a crazy dog as well...

Have to get that video for a laugh. Thanks guys.

So was she hot? Never mind, because now she knows where you live.
awww shizzzzz i hope she dont turn crazy on you. :eek:

Oh it's a security building. I would have to buzz her in. That would never happen.:eek: She wouldn't happen to turn crazy, she was already crazy.
I wouldn't necessarily say that someone who had this device in their car is crazy since my cousin got one of these too for a while from a court order.

We made fun of him at every family function since he couldn't drink.
He's totaled an M3, A Denali, and another car in his driving career.....

Ok....he's crazy. Nevermind
The sad truth is this woman has a serious problem. She needs help.
this thread is useless without pictures. :biggrin: just kidding.
If I had seen that thing in her car i would have said sorry, I can't blow that until you blow me. :biggrin:
If I had seen that thing in her car i would have said sorry, I can't blow that until you blow me. :biggrin:
i would have suggested the same thing but offered it as a means of clearing her throat before using the breathalyzer.

men, we're such pigs.
Wait, am I the only one that's questioning that after she drinks 3 rounds of double tequilla shots, and after she gets trashed, and after you see a breathalyzer in her car, you still invited her over to your place and let her drink some more??? I don't know, but after the second double tequilla I would have been running like someone had set my shoes on fire. I think you may need to get your "check engine light" examined. It seems to be malfunctioning. :tongue::biggrin::tongue:
A breathalyzer spells 'warning: this girl has a SERIOUS drinking problem'. And based on your post, she obviously does.

This girl obviously has a problem, but having a breathalyser in your car doesn't necessarily mean you have a SERIOUS drinking problem.

Arizona DUI law that now requires all DUI offenders to install ignition interlock devices in their vehicles for at least one year after regaining their driving privileges. This even applies to first time offenders blowing a .08.