Breaking news: man fly's plane into IRS building in Austin, TX

My fiance works in the building next door. Its the Echelon park or something. Her building is about 200 or so yards away. I work offshore and i got a page on the PA system to call the radio operator. Since im leaving the rig Wed i thought it was about my travel arrangements. When the operator said, "hi kelley your fiance is on the line.", i was like ohh shit, who died? Man what a long walk to the phone!!!

She was in the parking lot after the evacuation saying a plane had just hit the building next door. I call myself a pretty cool dude, when it comes to bad news and stressful situations(like working on a drillship:smile:). I couldn't even think straight listening to her and all the background noise from everything else. I felt helpless. Im on a drillship in the gulf and she's at 620 and 183 in austin. She was shaken but was ok thankfully and we were both able to keep our cool. she said she heard a boom and people started saying a plane hit the building. she didn't know exactly what was going on but she says HAULED ass out of there. Tomorrow is truly not promised. the pic below is from her cell.


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My fiance works in the building next door. Its the Echelon park or something. Her building is about 200 or so yards away. I work offshore and i got a page on the PA system to call the radio operator. Since im leaving the rig Wed i thought it was about my travel arrangements. When the operator said, "hi kelley your fiance is on the line.", i was like ohh shit, who died? Man what a long walk to the phone!!!

She was in the parking lot after the evacuation saying a plane had just hit the building next door. I call myself a pretty cool dude, when it comes to bad news and stressful situations(like working on a drillship:smile:). I couldn't even think straight listening to her and all the background noise from everything else. I felt helpless. Im on a drillship in the gulf and she's at 620 and 183 in austin. She was shaken but was ok thankfully and we were both able to keep our cool. she said she heard a boom and people started saying a plane hit the building. she didn't know exactly what was going on but she says HAULED ass out of there. Tomorrow is truly not promised. the pic below is from her cell.

Glad to hear your finance is safe. Let's all take a deep breath and thank about how fortunate we are.
Can I just post this here?


thank's u bob's the angry flowers'
I should probably clarify what I meant by "lucid". I meant he didn't sound like a crazed person in the bulk of his writing. In fact, you would think he was simply laying out an argument all the way up until the end when pledged his death for his cause- and then when he actually went through with his plan.

There wasn't any saber rattling threats- just a calm deliberate demeanor that I found unnerving. A man of intelligence could bring himself to this- it is eerily disturbing. What makes it even more so is a statement like yours about your sister doing work for Internal Revenue. It puts the human face on his intended victims instead of painting them in the broad swipe of "the big bad IRS".

Please don't get me wrong- the man was a lunatic. Who does something like this? The scary part is you could probably walk right past a guy like that and not think of what he was capable of, and that is most disturbing.

I assume since you haven't mentioned your sister being involved that she wasn't doing work for the IRS in Austin today. Thank God for that.


My sister hasn't temp'ed for the IRS for a couple of years, thankfully.
Kelley's GF working in the next building, too close to home.
I'm so happy to find that saaht & ko-nsx and family are safe.

This is a terrorist attack and anybody, no matter how frustrated they are financially or politically, should not do this.
I disagree about this being a terrorist attack; sorry. This was one man who hated the IRS and took his anger out in the manner in which he did for his personal reasons. It is a crime- no more, no less.
I disagree about this being a terrorist attack; sorry. This was one man who hated the IRS and took his anger out in the manner in which he did for his personal reasons. It is a crime- no more, no less.

The part in his manifesto where he said "Take my pound of flesh and sleep well" sounds like he was trying to terrorize someone to me. To cause employees of the IRS to think twice about their jobs and reporting to work because individuals like himself who share his thinking might follow his example and cause them bodily harm...

That's terrorism friend.

tough case,I'm surprised and relieved in a country as big as ours and with this economy that this dos'nt happen too often.BTW this "suicide" was a martyrdom plain and simple.