Breaking news: man fly's plane into IRS building in Austin, TX

13 October 2008
So i leave Dallas this morning at 730AM for a meeting with a major hospital system in Austin, TX. Upon arrival in Austin, i get a phone call saying the meeting needed to be rescheduled as a plane has just crashed into an office building and the hospital is on high alert.

my thoughts: well sh*t. But, i do hope noone was hurt.

so while driving around finding a place to eat, i hear on the local radio the following (summarized):

man burns his cat.
man burns cat and house down.
man drive to private airport.
man fly's his private plane into building.
building has an IRS office.

speculation is that he was in debt with the IRS.

i hear 2 people are in the hospital and 1 person is missing.

***none of the details above are confirmed, all radio speculation***

terrible thing to happen. sorry if my post is in any way insensative, didnt mean it to be. please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers.
Damn......saw on news too. Taxes are not worthy dieing over....Sell plane instead?:rolleyes:
Crazy!!!! Life never gets boring in TEXAS!!!! I hope IRS workers are Ok. Heard one was missing.:frown:
I can see the smoke/debris outside my office window right now. has the 'suicide note'. Read it carefully, it will probably strike a nerve. It did with me and he literally almost hit me.
Read it carefully, it will probably strike a nerve
ever-body's got issues.

too bad this guy had to harm / kill others because he couldn't deal with his.

(edit: i returned to my post to offer condolences to his family & friends. reading hcar's comments below, i returned to the note link provided and found this:

"This website has been taken offline due to the sensitive nature of the events that transpired in Texas this morning and in compliance with a request from the FBI.

T35 Hosting"
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I can see the smoke/debris outside my office window right now. has the 'suicide note'. Read it carefully, it will probably strike a nerve. It did with me and he literally almost hit me.

Just finished reading- the writing is so lucid that it is that much more disturbing.
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ever-body's got issues.

too bad this guy had to harm / kill others because he couldn't deal with his.

(edit: i returned to my post to offer condolences to his family & friends. reading hcar's comments below, i returned to the note link provided and found this:

"This website has been taken offline due to the sensitive nature of the events that transpired in Texas this morning and in compliance with a request from the FBI.

T35 Hosting"

What a bunch of bullshit.....Feds took off the note from the internet. This is not a nude picture of Miley Cyrus...The note which i did read, should have been left for others to read.

(edit: i returned to my post to offer condolences to his family & friends. reading hcar's comments below, i returned to the note link provided and found this:

"This website has been taken offline due to the sensitive nature of the events that transpired in Texas this morning and in compliance with a request from the FBI.

T35 Hosting"

There is a pdf of the note available on CNN

P has note..........for now at least.:rolleyes: also has it. the site mentioned above has a link to it.
i cant disagree with most of what he wrote, only his solution. not that there is any realistic solution.
I saved it early this morning. Lemme know if this works. PDF was to big to upload.


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I think some people just cut off their nose to spite their face. This guy is a classic example. So he is pissed that government regulations rendered his chosen career path more difficult to navigate for financial gain, and it seems like he has a finger to point for everything. What happened to accountability?

As mentioned above- there are two definites- Death, and Taxes.

If you live here, you owe taxes. No matter who we elect at this point, that is going to be a fact. They date back to 1913, I would wager that none of us has lived long enough to remember what it was like before that (even you Hal). It's a hassle to file every year, and to xconsider your liabilities when you make decisions, but it isn't like any of this is really new is it? Why not be accountable to your decisions. your gonna have to pay- find out why, and how much and if there is an exception you can use to minimize your exposure-then pay. Plain and simple. It wasn't your money it was the fee you pay to have a government.

Now if you view the government as the entity that builds shitty bridges that fall, and provides shitty cops that abuse their power, starts shitty wars, and supports shitty companies sure you get pissed! But if you look at it as the entity that put a stop sign in to help control traffic and prevented accidents, or provided schools for kids, kevlar vests for soldiers, plowed the streets, maintains the highways, built a library, and a public pool then maybe you don't get so pissed.

Call me a sheep, but I think our country is worth the hassle. I filed taxes last night and it was no big deal. I too had cashed in some of my retirement funds in time of need (I was unemployed for 4 months last fall) but I considered the penalty when I did so, and I took it out up front so I wasn't shocked when it popped up on my filing. I was accountable to the choice I made. Imagine that.

This guy owned a plane. He was probably better off than I am yet he could have no joy because he was consumed by anger.

It is sad.

I hope he didn't kill anyone other than himself.

It is ironic that our tax dollars will now have to repair the building he damaged, and pay the firemen who put out his house, and this building...

I didn't bother to read his entire manifesto, but he seemed bitter and angry, not lucid or rational.

My father taught me, "Two wrongs never make a right." My sister in the past has worked for the IRS in Austin at times to help make ends meet. She's not a tyrant, just a single mother trying to help her family.

I didn't bother to read his entire manifesto, but he seemed bitter and angry, not lucid or rational.

My father taught me, "Two wrongs never make a right." My sister in the past has worked for the IRS in Austin at times to help make ends meet. She's not a tyrant, just a single mother trying to help her family.


I should probably clarify what I meant by "lucid". I meant he didn't sound like a crazed person in the bulk of his writing. In fact, you would think he was simply laying out an argument all the way up until the end when pledged his death for his cause- and then when he actually went through with his plan.

There wasn't any saber rattling threats- just a calm deliberate demeanor that I found unnerving. A man of intelligence could bring himself to this- it is eerily disturbing. What makes it even more so is a statement like yours about your sister doing work for Internal Revenue. It puts the human face on his intended victims instead of painting them in the broad swipe of "the big bad IRS".

Please don't get me wrong- the man was a lunatic. Who does something like this? The scary part is you could probably walk right past a guy like that and not think of what he was capable of, and that is most disturbing.

I assume since you haven't mentioned your sister being involved that she wasn't doing work for the IRS in Austin today. Thank God for that.

Complete nutbar albeit w/ some grammar skills.

I was there in the 1980 crunch.

I was there in the economic disaster of '86. That one cost me everything but a gf.

I see the economic cluster we're all in right now.

...and I also loath the IRS. Yeah, they've been neutered to some degree in recent years but in the not so distant past they were the devil and for some I'm sure still are.

I'd have never put in my final note to the world though some crap about a piano and my new wife and how much of a negative loser I had become or quite possibly had always been. I'm sure there's quite a bit behind this story aside from the curiously coherent drivel in his goodbye note.

dood, that's cold... doug, what was it like?


Yeah, remember those days Hal? Things sure have changed haven't they?

HAY KID! GET OFF MY LAWN! Oh, sorry. Ken's here. Got to go.