Boves Blast 2005 - July 23, 2005

31 July 2001
Boston, MA
PDF and more info available soon, but with such short notice I wanted to get this info out there. PDF link to follow within the next few days.

The New England Lotus Club will be involved in this drive as well.

Saturday, July 23, 2005 – Rain or shine

We will be traveling some scenic, twisty roads to Burlington, VT for dinner at Bove’s Italian Restaurant We will stop along the way for a relaxing tour of the Ben & Jerry’s Factory and at other picturesque locations.

After dinner, you can choose to head home or check out the many local shops and spend the night in Burlington or a nearby 5 star Spa/Resort.

We will meet at the Hooksett, NH rest area on Route 93 north of Exit 11 after 9am and will depart promptly at 10am (please arrive with a full gas tank). Route maps and an itinerary will be provided at the departure point.

The registration fee is $25 per person and includes dinner, tax and tip.
robr said:
PDF and more info available soon, but with such short notice I wanted to get this info out there. PDF link to follow within the next few days.

The New England Lotus Club will be involved in this drive as well.

Saturday, July 23, 2005 – Rain or shine

We will be traveling some scenic, twisty roads to Burlington, VT for dinner at Bove’s Italian Restaurant We will stop along the way for a relaxing tour of the Ben & Jerry’s Factory and at other picturesque locations.

After dinner, you can choose to head home or check out the many local shops and spend the night in Burlington or a nearby 5 star Spa/Resort.

We will meet at the Hooksett, NH rest area on Route 93 north of Exit 11 after 9am and will depart promptly at 10am (please arrive with a full gas tank). Route maps and an itinerary will be provided at the departure point.

The registration fee is $25 per person and includes dinner, tax and tip.

Anyone from NJ, NY or PA planning on going? I am up for the ride if we can get a caravan. I have been wanting another excuse to visit Burlington and it's a great ride from anywhere :biggrin:
Hi all, I just wanted to bump this event up and remind people the deadline is getting closer. Jeff Torrey from the Lotus club and I made the drive up yesterday to map our route. It's going to be a beautiful drive, but it is going to be a long day.

Yesterday we left the rest area meeting spot and took 93 to 89 to exit 6 then over to route 4. It was really beautiful but it was a LONG ride to get to Quechee, so we decided that for the event we should just to go up 89 to 4 to Quechee which will knock about an hour off the drive and there will still be plenty to see after that (plus 89 is actually a very beautiful highway with lots of mountain vistas).

We're going to stop at the gorgeous Quechee Gorge for lunch - there are a number of places to eat and several shops and an amazing view. I plan on trying to keep the stop to about an hour, then we'll follow route 4 to 100 and take 100 all the way up to Ben & Jerry's. We'll get a tour of the factory, get some ice cream (trying not to ruin our dinner), then head on over to Bove's in Burlington for dinner (about 25 miles away). I had almost forgotten how amazing their marinara sauce is (and how fast the service is, it couldn't have been more than 5 minutes from the time we ordered until they had the food on the table).

Our trip yesterday took us 8 hours to get up there (!!!!), much of that spent trying to find interesting routes and places to go (plus we of course had to stop at Quechee and Ben & Jerrys and get a cone :)). The actual trip, with the two one-hour long stops along the way (Quechee and Ben & Jerry's) will probably take us around 6 hours. The trip back to our starting point if you're not staying in Burlington can be done in a little over two hours just going 89 to 93 (took me exactly 3 hours and 211 miles to get back to Newburyport last night).

So far we only have *ONE* person who has registered. I was talking to a few places about sponsorships to try to get us some shirts, but until I have some decent numbers, that's not going to happen. If you're going, please send in your forms ASAP so I can get some numbers to our potential sponsors and possibly get us a few extra bonuses from B&J and special parking considerations.

Jeff also invited the Viper and Ferrari clubs to join us, and if you know other responsible sports car enthusiasts that might be interested, they're welcome as well. Remember the $25/pp covers dinner, tax, tip, non alcoholic beverages and the Ben & Jerry's factory tour.

Cheers, Rob
Rob- The Ferrari Club has a conflict, but the Pantera Club is interested. The announcement goes out today to the Viper Club, and a reminder to the Lotus Club tonight.

From the Hooksett Rest Stop to Quechee Gorge is 1 hour 15 minutes. So lunch will be between 11:30 and 12:00.

Then from Lunch to Ben n' Jerry's is about 1:45 minutes. That's at posted speeds.

I have posted it on the National Viper Club Website and will do the same for the Lotus Club. Pantera Club is a mailing list and they got it today.

We will be traveling over mountains and through the valleys , lots of old farms and small towns along the way. Traffic will be very light, it's a very nice scenic ride through the countryside of Vermont.

Great, thanks Jeff. I'm ready for some more Boves (though I have no idea what I'm going to do with the bag of 60 meatballs I took home. Well....... 56 now :)).
Nice!!! So far, registered and paid are:
Me plus guest - 91 NSX
Yong Kim - 91 NSX
Brian & Martha Rae - 92 NSX
Merton & Marilyn Iosue - 97 NSX
Jeff Torrey & Guest - 87 Lotus Esprit
David Dugal - 97 Viper GTS )
Ben Lum 0- 05 Porsche Boxster S
John Putnam - 05 S2000
Justin Robinson - 04 S2000
Steven & Laura Hunt - 05 NSX

Not confirmed for Bove's but Jeff Torrey adds that we also have:
1 Lamborghini Jalpa
4 more Vipers
1 more Lotus
2 C5, 1 C5 Z06
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robr said:
Nice!!! So far, registered and paid are:
Me - 91 NSX
Yong Kim - 91 NSX

let's grow the list!!!! :)

hrmp!!.. I want to go, but I am going to be in California that weekend....

My hometown is near Quechee, and took my car up there a few weeks ago. The roads are very fun, and I am jealous that I can't go with you guys!!

rae said:
Count me in - Form is on the way. :smile:

received it today, thanks!

I guess there will also be a number of cars traveling as far as Ben & Jerry's but may not go on to Boves (it's about 30 minutes from B&J). Jeff Torrey can provide you with a list but I know it includes a Lamborghini Jalpa.
Ok, this event is starting to gather some momentum. As Rob said we have a Lambo registered and now 3 Vipers, not sure on NSX, I think we have 3 cars. The North Country Porsche Club just sent out an e-mail to their membership so we should get a few Porsche. Looks like 2 Lotus for sure, two trying to get the schedule to work. Nothing yet from the Pantera Club, but they usually just show up. It is my sense that if we get to Bove's around 5pm that there will be plenty of room for everybody.

Rob- Today was the cut-off day for reservations at Bove's- Can we extend it a little ?

It's a beautifull ride- Rob knows his way around Vermont and he put together a very scenic route. Bove's serves up some of the best Italian Food in New England. Ben n' Jerry's will make a nice break along the way.

There is a Scotish Gift Shop just outside of Quechee, wife wants to stop on the way bye. I'll talk to you guys at lunch, see if we have time (interest).

I'm loading up the cd-changer ...need some music to set the stage. :biggrin:
No problem on the cutoff, essentially the cutoff was so I could give numbers to potential sponsors and have time to get some shirts. Because this got going so late basically I think we're on our own in that dept, so as far as I'm concerned I just need numbers to give to Bove's and Ben and Jerrys. Jeff can you find out from the people you've spoken with in the other clubs how many heads to expect? Are all these people bringing +1? Thanks!
Hi Rob,

John Caz and myself are thinking of coming. I just have to check with Amanda to see what her plans are for that weekend.

I also received an e-mail from Dennis D from RI.

Cheers Rich
I have 3 C5 (1 ZO6) Corvettes that just signed on from Yuppieracing. I have forwarded them this link for updates. Waiting to hear if they are eating with us at Bove's.

Good to see you and all the other guys. You did a great job putting the event together, nice turnout, great assortment of cars.

You have to give us a more detailed account of your trip up up to Burlington: how many arrest, speeding tickets, moron of the day, which cars needed a flat bed... LOL!

Thanks for the cool sticker.