Bought one!

Nice. Congrats. You realize that it is a fat, ugly pig that sullies the reputation of the Gen 1 car, right? Just kidding. Enjoy!

That's too damn funny!
Nice. Congrats. You realize that it is a fat, ugly pig that sullies the reputation of the Gen 1 car, right? Just kidding. Enjoy!
Lol! Chris you have several bad ass cars. Enjoy them. [MENTION=34013]Heavymetals[/MENTION] congratulations. It's a sleek looking machine. Is that the curva red?
I perused your offerings the night before I got the car.

I will probably place an order for a skid plate & exhaust (later in the year).
Very cool memorabilia.

Those must have been some wild and excellent times.

I never saw them live.

We would just veg out to stuff like Rainbow, Deep Purple and less known acts like Piper.

Now I am typically one of the oldest folks in the room for shows like Portugal The Man.
I still do repair work for some artists on their amplifiers.

I use to do all the stuff for Andre Crouch who passed.

My unit in the duplex where I lived would almost be overflowing from side work.

I repaired something for Blackmore and he shows up to test it out with a Marshall stack!

I told him he was gonna break my lease!

Those were the days................
I am a landlord and would be ok if Blackmore showed up to visit one of my tenants and did a solo.
Flooding risk not so good

I had one guy who turned my basement into a barrel aging center for beer without giving me a heads up.

He had a freezer set to cool and was telling me it wasn't sucking any power.

He is a former tenant.
You haven't appeased the hydro gods unless you have flooded your stuff at least once. lol

That is why I own my place, I have an HOA to deal with, but they are not crazy.

I had my place E-PIPED a few years ago because the plumbing in other places around me started springing pinholes.

Do you own the building as well?
Resurrecting this thread only to declare that today I OWN IT.

Made the last payment this morning.

Financed for 7 years, paid it off in 3.
