You know I came back from lunch and saw this gruesome display of trash talk pointed at yours truly. I was merely trying to compliment the both of you. I couldn't figure out why you would possibly say such cruel things, I guess it's just tiny brained individuals, whom have spent the last few years of their meaningless lives being entertained by the false belief that they are superior to others. It's sad, I have seen this before, usually I just ruin their credit, get their house foreclosed, cancel their credit cards, and do other wonderful little electronic things that come so natural to me. You see normally when people screw with me they find themselves dubbed into videos with fourteen year olds at their feet and police knocking on their doors. Your remember Mr. R Kelly right? But you two!! nah, your special. I will deal with you in a very exquisite way, I mean you guys are both professionals, you deserve the full treatment.
So Bob, you better keep an eye on that half-assed Fisher Price photo website of yours, I think I saw some kiddie porn on it!!.
Roger, I have no idea what you do or attempt to do for a living, however, you may soon find yourself changing garbage cans at Botanical Gardens while us "Pansys" take pictures of the flowers.
Oh....BTW, your right, you are a "stock nerd"
Just kidding know it's all love baby