The wheels look great, they really "fit" well. They generate a bit more "visual interest" with the added depth in lips and their stepped profiles, construction details such as the rivets, and visually smaller appearance from the reduced spoke length. It all keeps the chi flowing nicely. Thanks for trying to help me out with my HREs, no word back from them yet but I am kind of in the mood to try them on my car since I have P40s on the other one.
Since your'e still in the hunt for wheels, send me a side profile photo of your car and I will do the photoshop for you so you can see what they'd look like on your car with your mods, ride height, etc.
The wheels look great, they really "fit" well. They generate a bit more "visual interest" with the added depth in lips and their stepped profiles, construction details such as the rivets, and visually smaller appearance from the reduced spoke length. It all keeps the chi flowing nicely. Thanks for trying to help me out with my HREs, no word back from them yet but I am kind of in the mood to try them on my car since I have P40s on the other one.
Since your'e still in the hunt for wheels, send me a side profile photo of your car and I will do the photoshop for you so you can see what they'd look like on your car with your mods, ride height, etc.