Blockbuster Fraud?

1 February 2002
San Dimas, CA
Hello- has anyone received or gotten billed for a movie that was returned and Blockbuster Video or any rental place says it never was?

I got a postcard saying they will bill me to my credit card the full retail value of a movie by tommorow, I havent had a chance to call them yet but will once they open, just wondering what I can do since its like their word vs. mine...

try this....

as someone that used to work for the BBV, i'd suggest asking to view the security tape from the day the movie was checked out. Since they claim you rented the tape, insist they provide you a video of the tape being checked out, as this way maybe you can determine who, if anyone, is using your account w/o your knowledge. Generally, they keep tapes from the past month. So if the video was rented on 8/29, that tape was recorded over on 9/29, and so forth..... if i can be of any further assistance in this matter, just email/pm me.

i worked for blockbuster for 6years. If you said you returned it/ or didnt hire it at all, they usually let it go (after u complain a lot ;)). In some of our stores the security videos werent even connected they were there for deterrent measures! Stingy buggers........
5inchfatlip said:
They finally found it - saved me the big headache. Thanks everyone.

shouldn't that be done first before the postcard went out?? This is the kind of thing that annoys me!! I think it's irresponsible of the BBV to send the notice BEFORE they have thouroughly examed their own store.
sometimes thoroughly examining your store means 2,000 plus videos/\dvd's have to be checked, and with the work roster how it is this just doesnt happen, not an excuse i know but difficult to do. With customers that lie , cheat and steal sometimes the employee's get jaded. You wouldnt believe some of things that happen or that they tell you to get of the hook!.