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11 March 2007
Vancouver, BC
I am writing about the purchase of the following NSX from blackna1:


I first emailed the seller on Mar 10 and viewed the car twice (on Mar 14 & 17). The seller was very polite and sincere, and appeared very knowledgeable as he answered all my questions. The car had a very small fender dent and some bumper scratches that are of no bother to me. After a short negotiation we agreed at a price and that the transaction would go ahead IF there were no problems after a pre-purchase inspection by Burrard Acura (on Mar 20). After the inspection, several problems were found:
(1) Daytime running lights (required in BC) were not functioning;
(2) Radio antenna was not functioning;
(3) Horn was not functioning;
(4) Interior fan will only function at highest speed setting.
So it was natural that I requested the seller to address these problems before the transaction (intended for Mar 24), which he agreed to.

For (1), he said that the bulbs were just not there and they would work after he installed them. For (2), he said that he previously disconnected the power to the antenna because he preferred it to be extended at a certain height, and that it will extend and contract with no problem after he reconnects the power. For (3), he said he did not connect the horn after installing the after market steering, and he directed me to his friend (who works in a car body shop) to have it connected at his expenses. For (4), he said it was a problem with the blower motor, and that he already bought a replacement motor (at CA$300) and the problem would be fixed after he installs it.

In an email dated Mar 20, the same day after the inspection, he said he would fix (1), (2), and (4) the following day, and I needed to contact his friend for (3) after the transaction. On Mar 22, two days before the transaction day, the seller emailed me some updates. He said that (2) was done and that for (1), he would pick up the bulbs from Acura on the morning of transaction and install them. He also said that he does not have the tools for (4), that he was very busy, and requested me to see his friend (who I needed to see for (3) anyway) who would install the motor. I could have asked him to do it, but him being an active NSX prime member with over 150 posts at that time, there was no reason why I would not trust him that everything would go according to what he claimed. He gave me a lot of assurance. For instance, he wrote in his email dated Mar 21:

(A) I am more than happy to resolve them as I want to make you a happy nsx buyer, as I was too, and just drive and enjoy the car!

So I went ahead with the transaction on Mar 24. After the transaction, I visited his friend on Mar 28 to have the horn connected and the blower motor installed. The horn worked, but contrary to what the seller made me believe, the AC still had the same problem despite installing the motor he provided; the fan would only turn when set at the highest speed setting. When I contacted him about the problem, he just said he would contact the person whom he purchased the motor from. Nothing happened all the way until the Good Friday long weekend (Apr 6-8). The seller then said he was free during that weekend and could come over to take a look at the problematic motor, which he claimed he had some knowledge on. Nothing happened, and when I got hold of him on the phone on Sunday, he said he could pick up the motor the following Tuesday from my wife’s office (since he lives near there). I gave him my wife’s contact number and office address so he can pick the motor up any day of the week. However, my wife had the motor in her car trunk for the whole week and he did not contact her. At that point, I sensed that there was a delaying tactic here. When I pressed further and asked him how long he wanted to drag this on, he replied in an email dated Apr 14:

(B) I only promised that I will put it [motor] in for you, everything I am doing further is basically for the kindness I offer.

I was appalled how his attitude has change before and after the transaction. I called and emailed him around 10 times but he did not reply. I knew he had caller ID display so he was avoiding my calls. At this point, I knew that I trusted the wrong person. We agreed that the transaction would take place when there were no problems after the inspection. So the seller was backing out of his responsibilities and exploited my trust. This left me no choice but to go ahead with the repair on my own and it was only after I gave him a negative iTrader feedback that he sent me a message (dated Apr 17). He fired some shots at me by saying that if he had to pay $2000 to fix the problem, he would have kept the car for his pleasure use. This was before I even found out about the exact problem from Acura. How does he know that it would cost $2000 for the repair? And if $2000 is the cost, was he bent on scamming me right at the beginning by convincing me that a CA$300 used motor that he purchased could fix a $2000 problem?

It took me several sessions with Acura to find out that the problem of the AC was not with the blower motor as claimed by the seller (I suggest he should stop giving out advise on NSXprime as if he were knowledgeable.) The problem lies with the control unit. The repair was finally completed last week (Jun 6), and so I am posting this story over two months after the transaction. The total cost of parts and labor, after a 10% discount amounts to CA$2232.01 before tax– a coincidence with the $2000 price tag the seller mentioned earlier?

I am not being bitter over the money (as it was well within the budget I set aside this year for the purchase of two cars). I am very happy with the car, which except for the very tiny dent and bumper scratches mentioned earlier, is excellent and has only 26,700 km on it. But it was the before/after transaction attitude of the seller that made me so disgusted. I never expected the contradiction in (A) and (B) to come from an enthusiast like a well-posted NSX prime member; but I understand there are always “one-off”s in every aspects of life. If the seller asked for CA$3000 (or even $4000) more but gave me a car with no problems, I would be very happy. Honestly.

Now there is a point that is not really relevant to this transaction but is related to the ethical level of this seller. After the transaction, he suggested me to make two false insurance claims from ICBC (Insurance Corporation of BC) to fix the dent and scratches. Making a false claim is of course insurance fraud, but the person who encourages it certainly commits an offense too (as I already double checked with ICBC). I have email proofs of this unethical seller making the suggestions and would not hesitate showing it to anyone.

There were also several inconsistencies from this seller which I shall omit. I have actually forgotten about them if I did not need to look over my diary and all the emails to write up this post.
The fan thing is probably a climate control circuitry problem. Contact "BrianK" on this forum. It's not an expensive fix, but rather cheap, cheaper than that fan you just had installed.

Courtesy of BrianK's website:

"Q: My unit is starting to go on and off, on lower fan position control knob. The closer I get to high maybe mid ways it will blow
out air. Is this the capacitors going bad or gone bad. It doesn't do it all the time. My unit still displays everything. Thanks and
how much do you charge for repairs.

A: The fan running only running on high or only at the highest or lowest setting temperature setting is one of the most
common problems with the NSX Climate Control Units. 95% of the time the problem is in the control unit and 5% its the power
transistor for the blower motor."

Here is a link to his website, and also a link to his nsxprime profile. Drop him a line. The fix is probably cheaper and easier than you think when it comes to fan thing:

He can fix YOUR circuit board for $135. Exchange your board w/ core charge for $250 w/ $200 refundable core charge, or fix your entire unit (best option) for $170.

I personally don't feel the fix is worth $2000 or $4000. A little simple 30 second research would have went a long way for both parties. I hope you didn't pay acura anything........... that would REALLY suck when the fix is less than $200.....
And if $2000 is the cost, was he bent on scamming me right at the beginning by convincing me that a CA$300 used motor that he purchased could fix a $2000 problem?

As Koolaid pointed out the $300 given was more than generous to fix the problem.

Just because the dealer charged YOU an insane amount of money, doesn't mean that is the true market cost of the repair.

The complaint should be with the dealer that grossly overcharged you for this basic repair.