Blackberry users beware...

Pffft. NTP is just looking for a bigger than $450M settlement. I think this whole case is ridiculous given that the US patent office has already given initial judgement indicating that all of NTP's patent claims are invalid. How the hell can you be suing someone for infringement if you have no valid patents!?!

The judge in the district court is a dork. The USPTO has indicated that they will give their final verdict on the patents in the coming weeks, but he'd rather make a ruling now without taking that into account. How absurd! :confused:

In any case, blackberry service will not shut get down because of this. NTP will try and settle, and RIM has alternate SW workarounds which do not violate the patents and will use those instead if the injunction is enforced.

This whole case is a big joke. Companies like NTP that don't have a product, don't do any R&D and are composed entirely of laywers out to make money based on a patent portfolio they've acquired are scum of the earth. Gemstar is another company like this which comes to mind. Even their bloody sales people are lawyers! 200 employee's .. all lawyers. :rolleyes:
or MercExchange LLC and the ebay suit. Like Arshad said it's a joke they just want more money. It's a decent time to buy RIM, or when they pull a settlement..they won't halt sales of the product.

But I'm in Blackberry will keep working :p