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black on black (not work safe)

btcog82 said:
holy sh!t jus' saw this...umm, dude i dunno' how they do in canada but here...well nevermind its not my wife so i'll keep my trap shut

I would almost say its safe to say I wouldn't be showing up at NSXPO after making a comment like that

Not all us Canadians are like that.......eastern Canadians have always been a little weird.....especially the ones from that seperatist province....just kidding!

Out west here, I'm a pig too, but I'll keep it to myself. Nice pictures.
off topic, but i noticed that your ivory interior is different from my ivory interior. besides the seats. all your ivory panels are black on mines. also the carpet,.. mines are ivory, but yours is black. did you get'em redone? plus the door speakers on mines is black?? weird?? can someone comment on this.

P.S. nice pics very well done, your a lucky man :smile: