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Billy Johnson wins at Laguna Seca

OK, Thanks, I'm still glad the Honda/Acura guys are winning. :biggrin:
Go Billy Go! The OC Register wrote of you as a perennial winner!!
Congrats to big Bill too:cool: Like father like son.:biggrin:
Thanks Tony! My dad showed me the article today -pretty cool.

More info can be found:




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What does it feel like to race a FWD car like that? I mean I've never raced but I can get the feeling in my mind when it comes to rwd but the fwd.... that's gotta be quite a different drive. (Never owned fwd before or driven on with "enthusiasm")
What does it feel like to race a FWD car like that? I mean I've never raced but I can get the feeling in my mind when it comes to rwd but the fwd.... that's gotta be quite a different drive. (Never owned fwd before or driven on with "enthusiasm")
It's interesting. I'm not really a FWD fan, but i've grown to like it. I really like how well they rotate (well we set them up that way), but you apply a lot of ideas/techniques differently. At the end of the day, physics is still physics, and the car has 4 wheels...

Most FWD cars (street cars) understeer like pigs (except mini cooper S with all traction controll systems off, and SRT-4s -that i've driven so far) unless you have grippy tires and carry in more entry speed than normal.

Anyways... Here's some in-car footage of that weekend in the (our) race-winning Kensai Racing Acura TSX with me behind the wheel:


(notice in turn 10, I slid the car a little bit :wink: )