Have you foot on the gas, your heel will be at the base of the gas pedal. Now imagine a nail is driven through your foot so your heel cannot leave the ground or move side to side, it is pinned at the base of the gas pedal.
Its easy and comfortable to accelerate. Now to brake, keep your heel pinned to the ground at the base of the gas pedal, and just rotate your toes/top of your foot to the brake pedal. ***Move your right knee to the left while doing this, you don't want to twist your ankle, but move your whole leg, knee, and top of your toes to the left to the brake pedal. Get in the habit of braking with JUST the ball of your foot, you have a brake booster so it dosn't require much pedal pressure.
Now with the ball of your foot on the brake pedal pressing down to slow the car, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is just move your leg/knee to the right to blip. Don't roll your ankle over or twist your foot, with the ball of your foot on the brake and the heel at the base of the gas pedal, just the action of moving your knee to the right will naturally roll your ankle and do a perfect blip. So you blip with the movement of your knee, not muscles in your ankle/foot!
-Try that and practice anytime approacing a red light (4-3-2) or off the freeway (5-4-3-2).
Good luck!