I posted a message on the list the other week to see if people would be interested in mid-atlantic - the Raleigh, NC area with Virginia International Raceway (VIR) as the track.
Response was very good for attendance interest - people from CA to IL to FL e-mailed me saying they would definitely attend such an event (these are people who have been to most of the other NSXPOs so I believe them).
However I didn't get anyone else from this area offering to help. Part of the problem is that we don't have a huge owner population near the VA/NC border - most VA owners are near DC. I would be very much willing to help organize such an event but obviously I can't do it all myself.
I like this proposal for a lot of reasons (beyond just the fact that it's reasonably close to me).
1. VIR is one of the best tracks in the country. It doesn't have the name recogniztion of many other tracks because it was just completely rebuilt and re-opened last year after being closed for a couple decades. See
2. There is a LOT to do in the Triangle (Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill NC area), both for owners and spouses.
3. Hotel rates are very reasonable, especially near the track.
4. RDU is a decent size international airport close to the city. Not to big it's a hassle, not so small your flight options are too limited.
5. Any Floriday-area attendees who didn't want to drive could take the Auto Train from Orlando to DC, then drive just 3 or so hours down from DC to Raleigh.