Better buy ?

drew said:
You would be doing future NSX owners a great service by posting the complete VIN for each car.

That way in the future when somebody searches for the VIN they have a much better idea of the value of the car. It makes a big difference.

Not about you anymore, you mentioned "posterity".

Hmmmm. OK

The '04 is JH4NA21644T000006

The '03 was(?) JH4NA21663T000023

The '02 is JH4NA21652T000030
NSX-GUY said:
does anyone know how I can get the service history from an Acura dealership on the 2 cars. THAT might provide more useful info.

Unfortunately Acura's service network is not nationally linked so you can't pull up the service history on a particular VIN at any dealership, which by the way is very lame. You'll have to hunt down the actual dealers that have performed work on the particular car.
Hugh said:
Unfortunately Acura's service network is not nationally linked so you can't pull up the service history on a particular VIN at any dealership, which by the way is very lame. You'll have to hunt down the actual dealers that have performed work on the particular car.

Yeah, I heard that somewhere (or did I read it here ?)

Pretty lame is a major understatement - in fact, it's dame near impossible to believe !!!
One thing you can do is see if any warranty or service campaign work has been done. Any dealer can pull this with the last 7 of the VIN. The dealer # will be listed for any of that work and you can contact that dealer to see if they have service records. It's unlikely that they have warranty work done at a different dealer than the servicing, unless they do their own or it's done by a independent. Just a thought.
Shumdit said:
One thing you can do is see if any warranty or service campaign work has been done. Any dealer can pull this with the last 7 of the VIN. The dealer # will be listed for any of that work and you can contact that dealer to see if they have service records. It's unlikely that they have warranty work done at a different dealer than the servicing, unless they do their own or it's done by a independent. Just a thought.

Any chance you read THIS post Dominick ? :biggrin:
NSX-GUY said:
I already have the CarFaz reports - does anyone know how I can get the service history from an Acura dealership on the 2 cars. THAT might provide more useful info. Or is it "private" and unavailable ??? :frown:

I purchased my NSX off of e-Bay. When I went to Dallas to pick it up I had a hard time getting the service records from the local dealer service department. The car was purchased new at Goodson Acura in Irving and had been in the Dallas area since 91.

You would have to know the owners' name at the time of the services and have them contact the service department and authorize the release of this information to you. It is almost as bad as medical information release from a doctors office. Basically a royal pain in the -ss!!! Good Luck!

I purchased my NSX off of e-Bay. When I went to Dallas to pick it up I had a hard time getting the service records from the local dealer service department. The car was purchased new at Goodson Acura in Irving and had been in the Dallas area since 91.

You would have to know the owners' name at the time of the services and have them contact the service department and authorize the release of this information to you. It is almost as bad as medical information release from a doctors office. Basically a royal pain in the -ss!!! Good Luck!


I was the Acura Service Manager for the dealer here, and I was formerly a Service Advisor for the Honda Store (same company). Maybe I am an idiot, but if someone came in to me and had bought a car, the records were theirs to get photocopies of, etc., and I was not concerned with calling the old owners for permission. The only thing I always asked of a customer was not to contact the old owner's if they had not bought it from the directly and would omit the name/addy and phone # from any copies I made for them. This was more of a courtesy to the old owners than a protection of privacy thing.
I actually look at cars for a living, and make evaluations of their worth.

If you have limited expendable cash, buy one that has a few more miles and modifications you like...

If you find it more important to have a new car, warranty, and don't value the modifications as much, buy the 04 for $68K (average deal).

I think you will find most people end up spending quite a bit of money mod'ing these cars, even if it is only wheels ($3,000), exhaust ($1700) right off the bat.

Also, I see you are/were considering the Vette. I can tell you from months of driving both cars, the NSX wins hands down. Hands down I repeat.

Remember, the modifications, while extremely tempting, do not add much value to the car.

Personally, I'd like to find an 02 with 10,000 miles. That is the car I would buy, along with an extended warranty.

Good luck.
I've noticed from a long time ago you guys are SOOOO sharp at picking out problems/issues/details/whatever from pictures....... Here's a bunch of pictures of the '02 Imola.

I basically looked over the car for mis-aligned body panels and such....... but I am FAR from expert on any of this stuff. The only thing(s) you can't see are the 15-20 tiny rock chips in the front bumper, maybe the size 1/4-1/3 the size of a dime.

Any feedback would be appreciated.
More Orange Peel (no pun intended) on the close up of the Acura front Emblem. I have never seen an Imola up close, but none of my 3 cars look or looked like that. What is the LED or hole in the shifter plate next to the 6 speed emblem? Overall a great looking car from the pics. Is there Orange Paint-overspay in the pic of the condensor inlets or is that just an illusion?


Shumdit said:
More Orange Peel (no pun intended) on the close up of the Acura front Emblem. I have never seen an Imola up close, but none of my 3 cars look or looked like that. What is the LED or hole in the shifter plate next to the 6 speed emblem? Overall a great looking car from the pics.

You mean that very tiny "dot" under the emblem ? Along the lower edge of the emblem also ?

That LED by the shifter plate is either an aftermarket radar detecter, K40 I believe, OR an LED for the aftermarket Alpine alarm. Not sure which.
So you're referring to the "textured" look of the paint then ?

Imola is a "pearlescent" paint. I don't believe many of the others are (and certainly not the red, right ?) Perhaps because it's "pearlescent" ???
NSX-GUY said:
So you're referring to the "textured" look of the paint then ?

Imola is a "pearlescent" paint. I don't believe many of the others are (and certainly not the red, right ?) Perhaps because it's "pearlescent" ???

You are correct that the Red is not Metallic, but I am not sure it should have that texture still. Possibly someone else here has a similar car that is for certain original paint and can comment?
Hmmmmmm. Surprised there weren't more observations/issues/suggestions about the orange car.

Anyway, a dealer "safety check" was done by an Acura dealer and they found/noted the following........

Trunk release button missing ($92.34) Left front fender missing VIN sitcker. Aftermarket wheels have spacers. Air pump for spare missing ($306.95) Center tail lamp panel has moisture ($308.41) Spare hold down missing ($31.33) Vehicle has aftermarket alarm and radar detector. Engine fuse box cover is aftermarket.

So I called the dealer and asked for the service advisor that wrote it up and asked why there weren't ANY notations on how the engine ran, brakes performed, etc and was told that if an item wasn't noted, it was OK.

Funny, but for almost $100 inspection, that doesn't sound all that great to me.
NSX-GUY said:
Hmmmmmm. Surprised there weren't more observations/issues/suggestions about the orange car.

Anyway, a dealer "safety check" was done by an Acura dealer and they found/noted the following........

Trunk release button missing ($92.34) Left front fender missing VIN sitcker. Aftermarket wheels have spacers. Air pump for spare missing ($306.95) Center tail lamp panel has moisture ($308.41) Spare hold down missing ($31.33) Vehicle has aftermarket alarm and radar detector. Engine fuse box cover is aftermarket.

So I called the dealer and asked for the service advisor that wrote it up and asked why there weren't ANY notations on how the engine ran, brakes performed, etc and was told that if an item wasn't noted, it was OK.

Funny, but for almost $100 inspection, that doesn't sound all that great to me.

It sound's like the car might have been in an accident or had some reason for the fender to be replaced. Trunk Button missing is very odd, and I can not see why they would try to sell it without correcting something so small, but so obvious.
Shumdit said:
It sound's like the car might have been in an accident or had some reason for the fender to be replaced. Trunk Button missing is very odd, and I can not see why they would try to sell it without correcting something so small, but so obvious.

Yes, I suppose the left front could have been replaced and while I'm no expert I examined the lines of the car very carefully, uniformity of body panel spacing, etc and I've gotten better at seeing the difference in paint and could not determine whether or not the left front was replaced/repaired/repainted.....

I'm guessing the trunk button might have been "deleted" by the previous owner himself. If you have to take a car into areas where it *might* be broken into you don't want someone to have access to your trunk by breaking into the car and just pushing a button......

I've played golf for many years at a course on Long Island in an upper-middle class neighborhood and my car's been broken into JUST so the crook could pop open the trunk and see what he could find...... :mad:

But I agree; not replacing the button seems pretty silly.

Mostly I'm wondering if I were to buy the car what the odds are I would be buying a car with (severe ?) problems, especially since it's out of warranty. I asked a "specialist" here what he knew about the car if anything and he told me a friend of his checked the car out and told him it was a roach. When I subsequently asked for clarification/explanation he went silent. :frown:
NSX-GUY said:
I'm guessing the trunk button might have been "deleted" by the previous owner himself. If you have to take a car into areas where it *might* be broken into you don't want someone to have access to your trunk by breaking into the car and just pushing a button......

There is a master switch in the glovebox that turns off the door mounted trunk switch, so unless the guy was an idiot, I do not think that would be the reason to remove the switch. The Engine Hatch is also lockable and even if you leave them both unlocked opening either will set off the alarm if the car doors are locked (roof off or on).
I also inquired about this 02 at the Auto store in NJ. I was told I could get it for 58.5k. He never said it was wrecked, but If you had an inspection on it and a vin sticker is missing, it is highly likely the car was in some type of accident and the panel had to be replaced. I backed off because I'm looking for an 02 that is still under the factory warranty 4/50k.
Shumdit said:
There is a master switch in the glovebox that turns off the door mounted trunk switch, so unless the guy was an idiot, I do not think that would be the reason to remove the switch. The Engine Hatch is also lockable and even if you leave them both unlocked opening either will set off the alarm if the car doors are locked (roof off or on).

As I mentioned earlier, and you probably know, for theives of ANY sort, TIME to do the deed is the thing they covet the most. The less time something takes the less likely they are to be caught.

These guys don't know about any kill switches, nor do they care. If they think they can get in and out of your trunk via a push button, they'll give it a try - THEY don't know the switch doesn't work. They'll smash the window, reach in and press the button and quickly look through the trunk. If the trunk doesn't open, they're just out of there.

But if the switch is (visually) not there, well,,,,,,,,,, :wink:
bangbang001 said:
I also inquired about this 02 at the Auto store in NJ. I was told I could get it for 58.5k. He never said it was wrecked, but If you had an inspection on it and a vin sticker is missing, it is highly likely the car was in some type of accident and the panel had to be replaced. I backed off because I'm looking for an 02 that is still under the factory warranty 4/50k.

'02 with some warranty still left is probably a pretty rare bird..... :wink:

I wonder if there's any way to tell FOR SURE the panel's been replaced ???
NSX-GUY said:
As I mentioned earlier, and you probably know, for theives of ANY sort, TIME to do the deed is the thing they covet the most. The less time something takes the less likely they are to be caught.

These guys don't know about any kill switches, nor do they care. If they think they can get in and out of your trunk via a push button, they'll give it a try - THEY don't know the switch doesn't work. They'll smash the window, reach in and press the button and quickly look through the trunk. If the trunk doesn't open, they're just out of there.

But if the switch is (visually) not there, well,,,,,,,,,, :wink:

I do not think a common thief would even see that switch. You give them too much credit. I can not see someone buying a 90K car and leaving a nasty looking hole in the door panel.
NSX-GUY said:
Back around this same time of year, in 2000, I bought a 98 NSX (with 4K miles) for $66K. It was just about a 3 Y.O. car at that time.
Just curious, what ever happened to your 98 NSX?