Bet my credit card balance is bigger than yours

I can do one better. My neighbor works in the accounting department of a company. She is the one that gets the bill every month. It is usually about 5 grand for the phones and the T1. One day she gets a bill for 5 Billion dollars - yep, thats Billion with a B. Needless to say, some computer somewhere misplaced a decimal. The funniest part is when she called the phone company about it and got the recording that said to disregard the bill, and that "if you have already paid your bill, a refund will be issued"

Even Bill Gates wouldn't just write a check for 5 Billion for a phone bill.

She made a copy of the bill for us since my girlfriend at the time worked for Quality Assurance at that very phone company!
I once received a bill from AT&T for long distance in the amount of .03 (Three cents). I mailed them a check for 3 cents. :D
MsKadyB said:
I wish that were mine. Credit cards are evil. :(
Haha, they're not evil, but you can get yourself in a lot of trouble if you don't use them right.

BTW, my CC screen updated itself and reflected the right numbers (which is orders of magnitudes smaller than the amount shown above, thankfully!) later in the day.
steveny said:
Guinness World Records 2000 Millennium Edition, and the 1992 edition. I collect, read and try to memorize the Guinness books.
Hey Steve, you sound like a fun guy to have at parties, kinda like Cliff from Cheers? :D I'm surprised you don't have as many posts as Ken by now. :D
MsKadyB said:
I wish that were mine. Credit cards are evil. :(

Debt is a disease and credit cards are one of the easiest ways to get sick. Nobody ever got wealthy borrowing money for gifts, clothes, restaurants, entertainment, or travel.
you must have the mother of all platinum cards.....i hope you still have the 0% introductory APR :D