Here is my Evora 400 wrapped in Inozetek Midnight Metallic Purple. It's an awesome color, and I debated many brands and colors before this. I looked at 3M, Avery, KPMF... I even had a 3M textured wrap for a while on the NSX.
Inozetek has the best gloss and least orange peel, but it won't compare to paint. If you want it to last, I would suggest having it covered in clear bra as well (And then you can get a ceramic coat on it). Don't cheap out on the installer, either. Find the best rated one and pay the going rate.
It is hard to make a choice because I stared at swatches for months but couldn't make a decision. You have to consider what looks good in person, on film, and in the dark/sun. The more wild your choice is, the more likely you'll remove it from your car in the future. You could go for the crazy color shift wraps but it will get old fast and you'll probably attract too much attention.