Best Moment Ever!

20 May 2006
What is you best ever moment with your NSX? Beside first driving or owning it?

Your favorite thing about the NSX?

And maybe the worst moment or the worst thing about the NSX as well?

Being that the NSX is retired; give this special moment to reflect on the Good the Bad the Ugly! :biggrin:

My best moment (to a lesser degree than most) will be for now is the realization that my dream of owning a NSX will become a reality.

favorite thing about the NSX was the groundbreaking tech that the NSX brought to the automotive world. But most of all I just love the body style. It's as classic as its going to be.

The worst: Hmmm...I think when I saw the NSX in Fast and Furious 2; that golden brown thing with stars was it? ugh!

Time to reflect!
What is you best ever moment with your NSX? Beside first driving or owning it? Currently I am living in my dream. My 7 years of NSX ownership and looking forward just make me smile:smile: :biggrin: :wink: .

Your favorite thing about the NSX?The engineering behind the NSX and it sexy look from 1991 to 2005:eek: . I just never get sick of it.

And maybe the worst moment or the worst thing about the NSX as well?I always worry of where I take my NSX. I never worry about my Infiniti:biggrin: . NSX catches too many attentions. I guess this is a price I have to pay.:wink:
It is very hard to pick one moment. I have been driving NSX's for so long (~12 years) that I do not even remember what life was like before the NSX. :redface:
Best moment I would have to say was driving it the first day to work. I was smiling the whole day.

My favorite thing about the nsx would be the feeling of walking out to a parking lot, looking around, and realizing that in the sea of cars that I'm getting into the one I want the most out of all of them. Also includes the anticipation of leaving knowing this will happen once I get to the parking lot.

The worst would have to be getting locked out the first weekend I owned it by my lame ass mid 90's alarm when I wanted to take the car out. I ended up spending a nice sunny saturday taking my interior apart to find all the buttons for the alarm rather than go out with the roof off.
Good: So far, it was being able to punch it immediately onto the freeway the night I purchased it, knowing that I didn't have to break in anything. (bought used)

Bad: Realizing my parts wish-list far exceeds what I can comfortably afford.

Ugly: Putting on the Honda badges and discovering the front bumper re-spray was even sloppier that I originally thought - the previous owner didn't even remove the front badge - so now i have this off-colored over-spray "halo" above and below the badge. At quick glance, it kinda looks like the Nissan hamburger, or at least light refracting off emblem in bright light upon closer inspection.
Best moment would be the day I went to show my girlfriend the NSX and the same week I got it because she also fell in love with it!!!:biggrin:

My favorite thing about the NSX is driving around the mountains and hugging the rails awhile your going down and you can feel the adrenaline pumping!!!

The worst thing that ever happen was two door dings and I dont know who did it!!!:frown: