Best Home Theater System for @$1000?

Okay I know this probably isn't that great of a reciever but can you tell me how good or bad it is. The reciever is STR-K840P. We don't have lots of money to spend on our luxuries since my parents aren't that well educated like college students. But we decided to buy a home theater system at what we could afford and we bought the system and this is the reciever we got so is this reciever a rip off or did we make a good choise. I don't know if the number means anything but it is a 600watt with 100watt sub and every other speaker is probably 100 watss too. It black and sounds good to me but I still don't know if it is any good.

Thanks for answering my question.
Thank you for your help Scott!
I will look into this website as well. I am sure they will have valuable information as to what to do.

Take Care,