Best Extended Warranty?

I looked around and had no luck. The car was too old, or had too many miles on it. Let us know if you find anything.
Got the one.. Call my toll free number at 1-866-841-9139 x3260. FYI, Im in Ft. Worth. I have it all at my office. If you call then I can get the info for you. It is best to get it all arranged prior to getting the car as I did. Mine was under 50k for miles and like 2k for the bumper to bumper other than window regs. Dont know why they dont cover the window regs but they dont. Call Susan @ Goodson too and she will know who I used. It should be on file there.

8k RPM in a recliner!
I just got back from Ft. Worth an hour ago. I was over there visiting a friend.

I will call you tomorrow.


[This message has been edited by addisonrecruiter (edited 18 November 2002).]