Best Engine Scanner for OBII

17 November 2002
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
What is the best engine scanner to purchase for the OBII NSX system. What information can you acquire from the scanner. Finally does the factory service scanner pull more information?

Finally does the factory service scanner pull more information?


Honda scanners are designed for Honda engines; therefore, they will pull all information. Every end sensor on the car. But for over $2000 you would expect this.

On the other hand, Autotap offers laptop software for $200 that pulls all the information as well - but only for Chevrolet, Ford and Dodge. The software for imports is generic and does not read everything. It will interpret OBD-II codes but will not provide details available with the domestic version.
Personally I have used the Actron in the past and own the OTC OBD II Scan tool. Both entry level items are very basic, but if you look into the mid level models they can offer you additional features and their upgradeable. Take a look and hope it helps as an alternative choice.

I purchased an Actron CP9135 from Pepp Boys on sale $99 last week. They are also available on Ebay for around $79. At least it pulls the code and then you can interpret using the list from the FAQ. The latest version comes with a CD that references over 5000 codes :D

The Autotap software provides not only the ability to pull codes, but you can perform datalogging while driving and study the data back at home.

For example - throttle position, O2 sensor voltage (might be able to correlate to EGT), water temperature, VTEC solenoid engaged, EGR valve position and one that I am particularly interested in.....intake air temperature.
It seems that the laptop based systems are pretty comprehensive. The one I mentioned is the same. The developer explained to me that the data limitations, if any, are due to limits of the ODBII system in the car. It seems that most software products(laptop based) capture everything the ECU can deliver to them.

I've used this one for many years on many different cars and it seems to be very comprehensive. Great support and continued updates over the years. Only requires a very minimal laptop to use. I run it on an old 120mhz pentium laptop.
I have an Auto Xray. It has been tremendously helpful on a Nissan Maxima, BMX Z3, and an Acura MDX.... kind of expensive....I paid close to $220 for it, put it gives many realtime info......take care.