Besides cars, what other hobbies/interests do you have?

I like fish. Eating them and keeping them in little glass boxes. :cool:






New tank I recently setup:

I also enjoy playing racquetball, golf and collecting watches. I have a bad back, so I can't play as much as I used to.

Thats a nice tank setup. I wish I could get something custom like that. I would sit there drinking beer and watching the fish all day. Im more of the fish only type of guy. I still like reef setups tho. I just picked up a couple new fish a couple days ago. I got a queen trigger fish and an adult emperor fish.


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^^ I'd rather have a reef, but it became more work than pleasure. Not to mention the ridiculous utility bill this thin was generating. I still have a reef at work that I can dabble with, which also doesn't cost money from my pocket. :-)

Those are some nice fish you picked up. I may switch the cichlid tank to a fish only if/when I get bored with them.
Wow! Surprised at all the aquaria responses. Didn't expect that.

I have three tanks:
  • The main setup is a 6 foot wide 135g reef tank which has been running for 7 years. It is running solely on LED power for illumination, which is somewhat bleeding edge when I made that conversion about 2 1/2 years ago. The tank is packed with several large colonies.
  • I also have a 12g nano reef in my office. No fish, just dedicated to coral and one rose anemone.
  • My daughter has a breeder 50 with many corals as well. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
<o:p>Also bowl competitively (avg 225) and golf in the summer (also average about 225 there as well). </o:p><o:p>:smile:</o:p>
I am into bicycles- I have a couple of mountain bikes and have been working on a vintage BMX build to recreate my old Dyno.
Lately I have gotten into training as I intend to compete in a cyclocross this year.

Home improvement is a newer interest. My wife and I bought our first house last year. It was a forclosure and needed cosmetic work. I was able to get some excellent tutoring from my Father In Law and we have done a lot of work to make the place "ours" as opposed to the condition it was in when we purchased it.

My DVD collection is extensive something like 400 plus discs (I haven't counted in a while, I may be over 500 by now)- The collection is legendary amongst my peer group not just for volume, but also for content. If it is a cool movie I probably have it.

I like video gaming, but am not really as avid as some guys on here seem to be.

Other than that- I am a Husband and a Father, and try to be a good son.


Some things have changed in the past year and a half...

I got into Martial Arts a month after my original post. Feb 1st 2010 was my first class with Easton BJJ in Denver. I now train 3-4 times per week, and earned my blue belt over the summer. My wife recently started training as well.

I also picked up running in "Mud Runs" (Spartan Sprint, Warrior Dash ect). I ran 2 5ks, and the 15k Tough Mudder over this summer. I have one more 5k scheduled this fall. I'm planning to do 2 Tough Mudder events next year, and hopefully qualify for "The Worlds Toughest Mudder" 24 hr race.

Since taking up these new hobbies I am 30lbs lighter, and in much better shape.

Photography is my other hobby:

Started as fun, moved towards weddings for some extra $$ to pay for equipment, now I'm starting to get into media for NASCAR and NFL, so it's really progressing better than expected. It's still a hobby though - will never be a F/T job. I enjoy it to much and the cash I make, is just enough to pay for itself.

Full frame bodies and pro-level lenses are not cheap.
Sorry, need to update my post:

More hookers and more blow.

Well someone is moving up:biggrin:

Hiking, 4-wheeling and

That was before I put a muzzle on it:biggrin:
Hey les, we should blow up more fruit next time ;)

I play xbox (mw3 fans where u at ;] ), snowboard, shooting, chilln, car stuff, work. Thats it.
P.S. I have also been doing some writing for magaizes as of late. The next few issues of Classic Motorsports will have a few articles from me on the local auto scene.
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you guys are bragging about "blowing fruits" in SF?:eek::eek::eek:.... just saying!!

Whoaaaa whoa whoa. I said blowing UP fruit, not blowing fruit in sf. I dont swing that way, since les doesnt have a post defending himself..... Well i cant speak for him :p
Whoaaaa whoa whoa. I said blowing UP fruit, not blowing fruit in sf. I dont swing that way, since les doesnt have a post defending himself..... Well i cant speak for him :p

Seems like someone feels the need to defend themself:wink:.

Now back to original topic.
^^ I'd rather have a reef, but it became more work than pleasure. Not to mention the ridiculous utility bill this thin was generating. I still have a reef at work that I can dabble with, which also doesn't cost money from my pocket. :-)

Those are some nice fish you picked up. I may switch the cichlid tank to a fish only if/when I get bored with them.

I hear ya man. I have dumped so much money into this hobby. I keep getting infected fish with Ich. I was using one store for a while until they sold me two infected fish. So I switched to another store. Everything was looking great until I had a phosphate spike and the fish wouldnt eat even that I lowered the levels almost to 0. Then when I started collecting again that store ended up selling me an infected fish. Now Im trying to use internet fish stores. Oh and I forgot to mention I had a 120 gallon tank spring a leak. There goes 500 bucks for the tank/stand down the drain. I would probably throw up if I knew the exact amount I have spent on everything for this hobby.
Wow! Surprised at all the aquaria responses. Didn't expect that.

I have three tanks:
  • The main setup is a 6 foot wide 135g reef tank which has been running for 7 years. It is running solely on LED power for illumination, which is somewhat bleeding edge when I made that conversion about 2 1/2 years ago. The tank is packed with several large colonies.
  • I also have a 12g nano reef in my office. No fish, just dedicated to coral and one rose anemone.
  • My daughter has a breeder 50 with many corals as well. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
<o:p>Also bowl competitively (avg 225) and golf in the summer (also average about 225 there as well). </o:p><o:p>:smile:</o:p>

I hear ya man. I have dumped so much money into this hobby. I keep getting infected fish with Ich. I was using one store for a while until they sold me two infected fish. So I switched to another store. Everything was looking great until I had a phosphate spike and the fish wouldnt eat even that I lowered the levels almost to 0. Then when I started collecting again that store ended up selling me an infected fish. Now Im trying to use internet fish stores. Oh and I forgot to mention I had a 120 gallon tank spring a leak. There goes 500 bucks for the tank/stand down the drain. I would probably throw up if I knew the exact amount I have spent on everything for this hobby.

Have you tried's divers den?

My 240reef required 14 wall outlets. Skimmers, pumps, 2x400watt halides....I spent about a grand for just 2 pumps(vortechs w/ backup). Now, with the cichlid tank, I have 1 main pump. That's it. Oh, and water changes from the tap!
Have you tried's divers den?

My 240reef required 14 wall outlets. Skimmers, pumps, 2x400watt halides....I spent about a grand for just 2 pumps(vortechs w/ backup). Now, with the cichlid tank, I have 1 main pump. That's it. Oh, and water changes from the tap!

I have! I bought a ghost eel from them a while back. That fish was perfect and wasnt infected. I used this time because they had a great sale going on. Also, if you spend over 200 bucks you get free shipping. Shipping for these two fish would of been about 70 bucks. So I look at this way I basically got the queen trigger for 20 bucks( 90 dollar fish). The angelfish should of been going for probably 250. I picked that one up for 160. The two new fish are doing very well now. It was tough trying to get the angelfish to eat at first. I spent about 50 bucks trying to find something he would eat. He seems to be a straight vegetarian. Fine by me! His food is very cheap and will last for a long time. From your pictures I had no idea that was 240 gallons. My guess was like 75 gallons maybe lol. I got a 55 gallon now. It was suppose to be my reef tank but my main tank sprung that leak. SOOOOO LAAAAAME.
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I have been an avid video game player for several years - mostly back around 10 years ago when the internet was young. I used to run a website back there and we organized some cash tournaments for players around the world. Was good times and good games. I spent a little time at a few professional game studios consulting and doing game balance for a while, but stayed out of the industry as pirating was punching a giant hole in profit margins back in those days.

Of late, I have been back in to running which is what brings me to this forum.
Running aces
Some MA.
Getting in trouble with the L-A-W.
Real Estate (last cople of years, bleah!)
Spending too much $$$

... and GUNS!
High Power Rocketry.:biggrin: I am currently a certified Level 2 flier. There are three cert. levels L1, L2, and L3. Very fun.
