Bernanke says the dollar system is flawed

20 February 2000
These guys are so low key in everything they say. They could say the building is one fire and they would do it in monotone and take 5 minutes to say it.
What do youguys make of what Bernanke said here? Is this the very beginning of a new system?

"Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s speech in Frankfurt may be one of the most important and underreported events since America abandoned the gold standard. In it, he said the dollar standard was flawed and that America’s trade deficit was imperiling America.

t would be desirable for the global community, over time, to devise [a new] international monetary system,” he said.

Never before has a Fed chairman made such an admission. Never before has one ever disparaged his own currency in such a way.

The speech was a radical departure from the status quo and a major signal for a looming policy change. It means that trade war is virtually guaranteed and the dollar will soon be devalued. Dramatic global economic upheaval is on the way.

On November 19, Ben Bernanke told a room full of bankers in Frankfurt, Germany, that the world’s sense of common purpose had waned. Tensions among nations over economic policies are intensifying, he said. It threatens the world’s ability to find a solution. "

t would be desirable for the global community, over time, to devise [a new] international monetary system,” he said.

And the plot thickens .... sounds like "new world order" etc etc etc ,,, yikes ..:frown:
Add to the mix what V. Putin said that Russia may move toward adopting the Euro as its' currency thereby replacing the dollar with the Euro as the worlds base currency. Berneke's right though. Whenever you can create currency out of thin air by just printing it (and Berneke has printed more that anyone in history), it really has no value. It's a flawed system that the world is finally waking up to. Hold onto your hats and also your gold.
Happy Motoing!
V. Putin said that Russia may move toward adopting the Euro as its' currency thereby replacing the dollar with the Euro as the worlds base currency.

Not going to happen.
Well the dollar wasn't that flawed to prevent the Fed from giving billions to foreign banks.
The dollar is like democracy. It's the worst except for all the alternatives.
Hay! How's that Euro working out for you?
Eventually Canada, the US & Mexico are going to form into a union much like the EU... And replace all currencies with the Amero... watch... :mad:
Bernanke should be removed from his position and tried for treason.

As should an astounding number of other politicians including, well nevermind. :rolleyes:
Any fiat currency is flawed; dollar included.

Since we are monetizing our debt it is just a matter of time until we have inflation and possible hyper-inflation. We have turned into a entitlement nation which historically has proven will fail.
We have turned into a entitlement nation which historically has proven will fail.

Yea that pretty much sums it up. :frown:
Eventually Canada, the US & Mexico are going to form into a union much like the EU... And replace all currencies with the Amero... watch... :mad:

I don't think the US would be comfortable adopting the Canadian Dollar as it's new base currency. (just kidding!)

Any fiat currency is flawed; dollar included.

Since we are monetizing our debt it is just a matter of time until we have inflation and possible hyper-inflation. We have turned into a entitlement nation which historically has proven will fail.

Now there's your problem!
I'd like to go back on the barter system. Anyone willing to trade their NSX for 15 bushels of hay and two dozen chickens?

If things don't chance that will be about all it is worth.
Oil is trade with US dollars, you guys can start worrying when that changes to Euro.