Bel 975R Rador detector?


Legendary Member
17 April 2000
Northern VA
Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm not a regular speeder, actually I've never been pulled over in my nsx for the last 2 years, but I recently received a ticket in my other car and now I'm afraid... I don't want to be driving like I'm driving MIss daisy all the time either.

Anyhow, this one is remote and reasonably priced. Remote is a must since I live in VA... :o Otherwise I'd get V1. If anyone has feedback on this unit, I'd appreciate it. Supposedly, it's not good against laser...

I know Passport has some remote units that are top notch but I don't feel like spending $1000+...
You get what you pay for!!!

The V1 can be remoted, mine is in my rear view mirror, and I have a laser diffuser in the front bumper area. Passport is making some excellent remote units, not as good as the V1, but good units. The site is biased, but go to for a review of many detectors, it's a help, but not totally unbiased. Buy the best detector you can afford, the cost of insurance premiums and peace of mind makes it a good investment. While not a guaranty, it certainly helps improve the odds!! JMHO:)