Bear Mountain this Sunday, 11/13. Anyone?

I may be able to make it but 8:00 AM Simon? You were always the late getter upper; must be the baby that get's you up now :wink:.

I figure you guys may meet and greet till 9:00 AM and then leave, I may be on your heals. We could all meet up if separated at the top of the hill above Bear Mountain with the view, at Perkins Memorial Drive at 10:00 AM.

Anyone up for lunch at Unami at Croton, they don't open until 1:00 PM on Sunday.

See y'all at some point.



If everyone shows up on time, we will probably take off at 8:30. We can try and be on the top of the mt at 10:00am.

Great I'll see you guys at one spot or the other; either way I'll be there.

Great run today guys ... we need more days like this.

Looks like a great time. That is a cool S4, one of my all time favorite cars. I am enjoying my time at Newark airport currently. If it were not for having to travel I would not have missed it.
I am so glad I hooked up with you guys as we forget how much fun these rides are especially if you don't do them for a while. Glad we did the Dim Sum afterwards it put a nice touch on an otherwise great day. Gotta start next year off with a spring ride so we do them more often, this year just got away from us.

Missed they other regulars that couldn't make it out, maybe next time.

Tony great shots as usual.

Bailey I can only see one of your posted pics, the others are just Xs; Have they been sensored? Did you go somewhere you shouldn't have after our ride and feast?

Have a great week guys, see y'all soon.
