Be careful with some Prospective Owners

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
I have pre-inspected NSXs in MA for several prospective owners to 1) "Pay it Forward" what NSXCA members had done for me when I was in the market for an NSX, and 2) help out those folks in needs. Even if I had to drive for many hours, get stuck in the traffic, pay tolls, and etc., I was glad to help them in my spare time (as many of NSXCA members do).

However, a bitter experience happened.

Some weekends ago, one prospective owner wanted me to pre-inspect an NSX for him. He told me that he was 99% sure about the car, and he would probably buy it. He told me that he had been talking to the dealer and the deal would be finalized upon two inspections. I asked him to give a call to the dealer that I would stop by on xxx day at xxx time. He said that everything was all set.

I then drove about 60 miles from where I live (got stuck in the traffic, and took me 2 hours to get there) to the dealer. None of the folks at the dealer was aware of the fact that there was a projective owner called, xyz, and wasn't aware that I was coming to pre-inspect the car that day. The car was away at a different shop, and I then drove another 40 min to get there (again, no one was aware of this xyz guy). I inspected the car as thoroughly as possible, and drove a long ride back home.

I then wrote a long detailed email about my observation of the car, and sent it to the xyz guy. I waited about a week to hear from him, but he never responded back. I sent him an email asking if he received my email okay. Another week after, he sent me an email back with one line, "yes".

I, personally, thought that it was a bit rude. I didn't expect much, but it somehow bothered me that all he said was, "yes". Not even a sweet "thank you" note?? :(
That does seem really inconsiderate! I hope this person realizes what trouble you went thru and appreciates the information you provided for him. What can I say, things happen. Just remember you did something above and beyond the call of duty. ;)
Sorry to hear that someone took you and your time for granted. Don't be dissuaded from continuing to "pay it forward" in the future. There are more "success" stories than people getting "burned" like you did.

For example, Peter Mills did the legwork for "Dennis in SE Pa" who appreciated the help and immediately took the car on a road trip up to Watkins Glen with us for Kids' Day. It is the continued support for members we might only meet on the net that helps keep the community as cohesive as it is.

That stinks. File his name away to memory in case he ever surfaces on Prime.

I am very thankful that people like you will take the time, go out of there way, inspect the car and write back to prospective owners!!

Just to show that most prospective owners dont suck....If (or when) we meet in the future, the first couple of rounds are ON ME!!!!

(now if I can just to find my X so I can meet everyone at NSXPO!):)
Sad to hear you were screwed for so much time. I however do appreciate people's time and effort, so much that I have decided to look only in the Cali area for my first NSX and do it myself the first time. Perhaps when i'm more confident in purchasing out-of-state i'll enlist somebody's help.
I don't own an NSX and I only registered today, but thank you for all you do. You are awesome. What goes around comes around and I hope you will get paid back for all your good will in one way or another.
FWIW Peter Mills and RSO 34 are good guys!

Yes Peter did go out of his way to personally inspect my prospective NSX-T. He gave it the thumbs up so I bought it. RSO 34 - any reason to go to The Glen works for me! :)

The guy who is the subject of this post probably never bought an NSX. I have only met a few NSX drivers, (10 of us were at The Glen that weekend!) but they are "Good People".

Don't let one bad experience spoil it for you.

Had the X out yesterday - WHAT A FREAKIN' MACHINE. I LOVE THIS CAR!
guy like that should not be welcome on this board.

carma will get him back..

This forum has a great membership and reputation because of people like you. Don't stop being as helpful as you are! If you do, this group becomes something less than we were before.

If it counts for have my thanks for what you did!

Thanks a lot for your comments, guys!

In fact, there were two guys who actually ended up purchasing the NSXs that I had pre-inspected previously. I will do my best to help prospective owners as much as possible. :)

Again, I am thankful for being a part of such a wonderful community.
It's worse than rude, its downright ignorant, selfish, and a few other words I won't put into print. Perhaps you can post his name here so we can all be warned. He deserves the cold shoulder.

You are the exact reason why I LOVE this site and all it has to offer! You sound like the perfect guy to hang with - if I find a car that I'm interested in your area I know who to trust. Your "EXTRA MILE" efforts are not easily forgotten!!! :D ;) :D
Hello Tiger, I am sorry to hear about your experience. I am one of the guys who purchased a NSX that Yong inspected. He contacted me and said he would look at the car before I flew out from California. He made contact with the owner on his own, drove about 1 1/2 hours in bad weather, and gave me a very detailed report on the car. When I finally flew back there, the car was exactly as he had reported. And all this just for the love of the car and it's owners. I just couldn't thank you enough Tiger!

I have also purchased a set of wheels from another member, Chris Wong (CDUB) this past Saturday. Again, after several conversations and a 2 hour drive, I found the wheels to be exactly as Chris discribed them, just beautiful. Trust me when I say that this has only happened with people from this board. It only took a few minutes to make the deal, but Chris spent another hour out of his busy day to answer questions and show me his car. Again, I appeciated his help.

I strongly feel that due to this site and its members, researching, looking, purchasing, and now owning one of these fine automobiles has made this a great experience. Keep up the great work guys. I'm sure for every story like this one that there are another hundred just like it.

Alright, enough of the mushy stuff. Talk to you guys later,

ascot71 said:
I strongly feel that due to this site and its members, researching, looking, purchasing, and now owning one of these fine automobiles has made this a great experience. Keep up the great work guys. I'm sure for every story like this one that there are another hundred just like it.
Tim and others,

Remember, you can meet a lot of your fellow NSXprime members this October at NSXPO 2003! And I think you'll find that most are people like Tim and Tiger, not like the guy who jerked Tiger around...
Tiger, I don't know you nor you had helped me on inspecting a nsx, but when I found one in your area, I know who I need to trust :D (my cousin is looking for one right now.)

Suggestion: maybe next time, before you heading to the dealership (or the private party); you may call in and make appointment as if you are going to buy it. I'm not saying I'm smarter here, but sometime, there really could happen that the agent you talked to happen not showing up work, but he wouldn't tell any of his fellow sales because he would not want to split the deal...