BBQ NSXCA Bay Area & Sacramento Chapters, Saturday, 8/23

1) Racer-ex - 2
2) Hrant - 2
3) yojack1 - 2
4) NSX-Tuner -1
6) CDNSX -
7) Jeff Chai -
8) MikeC_587 - 0
9) NSX4FUN - iffy
10) SFNSXguy - 2
12) Ashik - 2
13) mickeylex + bosslady
14) Don W. - 1
15) 02#154 - 2
16) Norcalwhite - 1
17) s4play - Rick - 2
19) Juejaimon - 2.1 (will be taking wifey's car)
20) 1NSX2NV-Rob
Sorry for doing this last minute.

Ara & Alison's place
20009 7th St. East, Sonoma, CA

Noon until cows come home

$10 per person Payment can be made at the event Please see Yolanda, Mike Cruz or myself (Carlos)

From Sacramento: MAP 1 hour 15 min travel time.

From the South Bay: MAP 1 hour 40 min travel time.

From Oakland: MAP 1 Hour travel time.

From the Peninsula: MAP 1 hour 25 min travel time.

From San Francisco: MAP 1 hour travel time.
Thank you Ara & Alison for sharing your beautiful home with us all!! It was a great event with wonderful eats too!!
Nice to see some faces I haven't seen for a while... hope to see you all again soon (hoping to do a West Marin drive in October).
First and foremost...I want to thank Ara and Alison for being such great host and hospitiable to eveyone that showed up. BTW, you have a beautiful house and a very smart 4 yo son which gave some of us a dinosaur seminar. This was a great turn out and it was great to see some familar faces and new ones too. Thanks again.
Where do I begin...!

First a BIG THANK YOU to Ara and Alison for hosting us.:biggrin:

The food was great! Your hospitality beyond compare!

It was great to see some NSXers I haven't seen since last ALMS and before.

Thanks Harry for sharing those old racing stories while watching the CAN AM dvd.

And when was the last time you watched your host....not just race on Speedvision.........but win in a dramatic fashion!! Fantastic!

The driveway lined with NSX's

Bill Barnes thank you for organizing this event.:wink:
Ara and Alison, thanks for the offer of your place to host our BBQ and for the hospitality once we arrived. It was great to see the Sac guys again, too. When's our next social?

Oh, and where are the pics, everyone? :biggrin:

I also want to thank Ara and Alison for providing their beautiful home and gracious hospitality which was over-the-top, first rate.
Alison and Ara,
Thank you for hosting us. The food, the conversation, the atmosphere, the location...I could go on an on, were fantastic. Looking forward to seeing you race at ALMS Laguna Seca this year.
Thank you all for coming. It was a pleasure to have such nice folks over. Sorry some notable folks did not make it. Let's make this a regular event!

We hope to see most of you again in October at Laguna. Please come by the ALARA Racing pit and visit.

Ara (and Alison)
Thank you Ara and Alison,
I had a fantastic time, food was finger licking good and great to see some of the bay area folks.
Here is some pictures i took.




