Battery Tender Plus $31.50 shipped from Amazon

Wow, I just realized I needed another one of these. Got the double bank instead and will use the one I have now to keep the lawn tractor charged during the winter.

Thanks for the post!
great, 3 years ago i bought it for $45+shipping, now its $31 shipped!
So I got my Battery Tender today. Did anyone else get the National Breast Cancer Foundation version? I'm man enough to use a pink battery tender it was just kind of a surprise.
So I got my Battery Tender today. Did anyone else get the National Breast Cancer Foundation version? I'm man enough to use a pink battery tender it was just kind of a surprise.

I received my Battery Tender on Thursday (06/03) but didn't open the shipping box until yesterday. As I opened the shipping box, I was pondering how to display the Battery Tender in my garage until I saw the color :frown:

After a little research, it appears Deltran offers a pink Battery Tender with a portion of the proceeds go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Check out the following URL:

I will contact Amazon to request an exchange. I'll post the results :rolleyes:
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So I got my Battery Tender today. Did anyone else get the National Breast Cancer Foundation version? I'm man enough to use a pink battery tender it was just kind of a surprise.

LOL ...that think looks like something from PowerPuff Girls! :smile: I have 3 daughters so I have seen it all.

It takes a real man to have a pink battery tender for sure...

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I will contact Amazon to request an exchange. I'll post the results :rolleyes:

So you will contact Amazon and have them exchange it for a more "manly" color and retract the portion of the proceeds that went to the National Breast Cancer Foundation because you are not secure enough in your masculinity to use a product that touts breast cancer awareness?
you are not secure enough in your masculinity to use a product that touts breast cancer awareness?

Don't be a Jackball.

I support the National Breast Cancer Foundation and hope one day soon, a cure is found for Breast Cancer. When I purchased Battery Tender from Amazon, the product picture is Deltran's traditional colors (black & green) not pink.

I'll more than likely keep the pink Battery Tender due to my immediate need.