:smile: I had about a year ago replaced the factory battery with a yellow top. It worked well for a while then began to fail once it had been discharged a number of times. It is made to handle discharge but never-the-less it finally failed. I had keep my oem battery (Panasonic) and so just put it back in. Having kept it charged insured that it worked. But my concern was that it is over 4 years old. So I began a search for a new battery. There is a lot of info on the Prime. I kind of decided to go with the Excide battery that is similar to the optima. At $139 and about 40 lbs. I was a little unsure. Everytime I go to Costco (which is a lot-the're in my 401K) I look at their batteries. Well I looked up the NSX and they recommended their specific battery. The Positive post is on the right hand side and it was very close in size to the oem. For $39 I was unsure? it was too cheap. But with a three year free replacement and an 84 month warranty I thought who cares. Well, I did get it and it works just perfectly. It weights about 37 lbs. and is a standard lead acid battery. The price cannot be beat, neither can the warranty. Just wanted to share my good fortune.