Baby Photo thread

12 March 2001
Post up pictures of your most precious possession.

Steve you already know where this thread is going .....:rolleyes:....I am surprised no one has posted up the pic of the baby giving the bird yet :biggrin: Ohh and the kid with the magic marker !


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Major... awesome rendition of stephen.

Jim... jacked up (but amusing:tongue:)
You know if it's a boy or girl? You're gonna love this. I never thought I could ever love someone as much as I love my daughter. :smile:

They tell us it's a girl. We are both really excited, as are our parents. We have been in "get ready" mode for the past 8 months, gathering all the "stuff" we will need to add our baby to our lives. I have been going to classes, reading books- tracking down a car seat that matches the interior of my TL LoL. Fortunately my wife works at a Baby Boutique store so we have been aquiring the necessities at a discount over the course of the last several months.

We are moving to Denver next week, as I have been transferred for work, so now we are re-investigating our birthing options favoring a free standing birthing center in the Denver area. We are a little freaked out as we had all of that set up here in Chicago before the bomb got dropped at work.

So on that subject-

I am trying to research vaccinations- good/bad does anyone have any input on this? This was a bit of a hot topic in our birthing class.

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Not mine, but they're too precious not to share.

My nephew, Cameron.



G/F's niece. In the second picture, she's holding my wallet...she insisted on paying the man for the ice cream. Smart girl. :)


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I forgot to post here when my son was born.

Jonathan Asher was born on Nov 7, 2008 at 7:59am, weighing 8 lbs 7oz and measuring 21 inches. Perfectly healthy in every regard, thank God.

He wasn't too impressed with his new surroundings!


Proud parents and new son.


He's thinking about sticking around, apparently. Still a bit grumpy but warming up to the idea.


All wrapped up and sleeping peacefully.


His cheeks were very chubby for the first day or two. We thought about calling him Alvin....