Awesome Xmas Lights!!!

xxx said:
That can't be for real!

I think it is. I looked for a constant to see if there was video editing, and if you look to the left of the roof of the house there is a white light in the distance that looks to be a tower of some sort. It blinks in constant time, independent of the house lights, and appears to give addded credibility to the validity of this video. Very cool stuff.
That stupid house sits across from mine and annoys the living shit out of all of us!! Yes, you think it is cool watching it, but that damn music goes on all night and no one around here can get any damn sleep. The guy is a low level programmer who works at Micro Center around the corner. He thinks this shit REAL funny. I'm glad you guys got a laugh because the neighborhood here is planning a community meeting regarding this guy. The Police say we don't have a right to do anything because I'm just yanking you leg here.
I'm looking into how to do this for next year. :biggrin:
There's gotta be a computer program for this out there somewhere. Help me find it!
Juice said:
That stupid house sits across from mine and annoys the living shit out of all of us!! Yes, you think it is cool watching it, but that damn music goes on all night and no one around here can get any damn sleep. The guy is a low level programmer who works at Micro Center around the corner. He thinks this shit REAL funny. I'm glad you guys got a laugh because the neighborhood here is planning a community meeting regarding this guy. The Police say we don't have a right to do anything because I'm just yanking you leg here.
I'm glad I don't live in none of you business, USA it would suck :biggrin:
That it is real.
Lots of effort for holiday decorations if you didn't notice.

Yeah...I was not sure if you were talking about that or my analysis of the realness of the lights.... :biggrin:
Yesh guysh dish ish for realsh. I programed my shuper duper ultchra mega compusher to shignal shertan lightsh to go off with the mushic. I could do dish becaush I live with my parentsh and have no life.
For those that are interested .. the music is "Wizards in Winter" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra from their Lost Christmas Eve Album. I'm not sure how to describe them but it's kind of like having a classical orchestra do rock versions of Christmas music. My wife heard it on some daytime talk show last year and gave me one of their CDs. Some of it kind of grows on you after a while. So, not only is this guy a geek .. he's got weird tastes in music.
i duped this post, but further info:

carson williams from mason ohio used 88 light-o-rama channels to control his 16,000 christmas lights
my money says this was originally video of normal christmas lights, just dropped into a compositing program and re-timed to match the music. It'd be pretty easy.