Awesome date with horrible ending... Someone hit my NSX!

Sucks about the hit & run but your date is teh hotness. Well played, sir. I have a front license plate holder which I will trade for more bikini pics if you need a replacement.:wink:
as much as it sucks that your car was hit, you scored BIG for not venting. That would not go unnoticed.

You also score extra points for posting photos of her on here.... lol... feed the vultures. :D lol i love some of the comments you guys give
Commercial: I highly recommend an evening dinner date in Washington, DC that includes nighttime viewing of the monuments.

Next time you're on the mall at night I have a fun thing to try. Jump over the circle of outward-facing benches that act as a quasi-barricade around the Washington monument. Walk up to the monument...literally inches from it. Lean against it with your hands up like a cop told you to stand against the wall. Look up. All you see is night sky, stars, and the well-lit monument. Feels a bit like you're laying on a walkway to/in least it did to me 15 years ago when I was an adolescent.

That odd bit aside, the monuments at night are very inspiring. I can see how a date there would be quite romantic.
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There have been threads about taking dates in the NSX. I probably wouldn't do it so my date wouldn't think I was trying to impress her. Better to know she likes you for you and not the income stream.

Some of us need all the help that we can get. . . .Use your available resources, tomorrow is not promised. Why live a lie??
Some of us need all the help that we can get. . . .Use your available resources, tomorrow is not promised. Why live a lie??

I used to go on dates with my pickup truck and leave my nice car at home. I didn't want them to think I was trying to impress them. That can start a relationship off on the wrong foot. In my experience the girls would always increase their expectation level. Besides, there is more room in the back of the pickup :biggrin:
It really doesn't matter one bit if you drive the NSX to your first date or not. If the girl thinks you are trying to impress her, then you have a problem, NSX or no NSX.

If I liked a girl, I wouldn't be taking her out on a "date". It certainly wouldn't be on my prime night of the week, and it most certainly wouldn't be to Dinner unless we were hungry and walking past Taco Bell.