average list day before NSX is sold?

18 January 2008
City of Sin
How long does a NSX list for before it finally gets sold? It sure seems like lots of these cars are going to sit on the market for awhile. I see a lot for sale and less buyers out there. Should someone expect to have their car for sale for 3 months or more during this economy?
I think it all depends on the car. Those that are agressivly priced, DO go fast. But there are some out there that the owners really don't want to sell. So they price them up and sell if they get a good price.
I have seen plenty that are priced rather high for this economy. If you can get the money than more power to you I say.
That is what I mean. The guy I tried to buy a car from will have that car for sale for another month or two is my guess. To find the right person who wants to buy your car you will need to advertise all over the place. He currently has it in Autotrader but not on NSXprime.com. I thought that was odd since he was a member here. I still would buy the car if he agreed to the price now. However, I am looking at other cars more and more now so he is losing his chance. Anyone here ever driven a M3 or new 335i?
This is under the assumption that the NSX owner "needs" to sell his/her car. From what I can muster from the culture of NSX owners, many typically don't really NEED to sell their cars. They would rather have them sit then compromise on what they feel is a fair price. When they right buyer comes along, they will then sell. Of couse their are excpetions to the rule... but saying that someone is "losing their chance," may be true, but in reality, they probably don't care. :D

I actually gave an offer 3k less then a seller wanted for a 03 nsx, he didn't budge. If I really wanted the car, 3k would have been nothing to me. But it's more or less a "compromise" color, so I didn't jump on it...

That is what I mean. The guy I tried to buy a car from will have that car for sale for another month or two is my guess. To find the right person who wants to buy your car you will need to advertise all over the place. He currently has it in Autotrader but not on NSXprime.com. I thought that was odd since he was a member here. I still would buy the car if he agreed to the price now. However, I am looking at other cars more and more now so he is losing his chance. Anyone here ever driven a M3 or new 335i?
That is what I mean. The guy I tried to buy a car from will have that car for sale for another month or two is my guess. To find the right person who wants to buy your car you will need to advertise all over the place. He currently has it in Autotrader but not on NSXprime.com. I thought that was odd since he was a member here. I still would buy the car if he agreed to the price now. However, I am looking at other cars more and more now so he is losing his chance. Anyone here ever driven a M3 or new 335i?

I have driven an m3 2000---

Bmw has a loaner program when you take your car in for service.

The 08 330 w 6 speed seems quicker then a 2000 m3 IMO... Seems faster then a 2001 m5 also.... Def handles better...

However, the 335 08 I drove is a beast. I enjoyed driving it more then the M6 for almost 1/3 the price.... U cant go wrong with 335. I cant imagine how the turbo charge v8 m3 will be ........ If its anythig like the Alpina and 1500 pds less...wow......
I driven the '02 M3 and 01 M5. I personally love the car, but there is something about the shift knob of every BMW that feels not precise as say a honda s2000 or the NSX. Maybe because the shifter is a bit higher?

If you ever sold an NSX and bought a newer BMW.. regardless of what model, you'll always want to sell it and buy another NSX. Happened twice to me :tongue:

Nothing can replace the NSX within its tax bracket.
There's too many variables: asking price, condition, year, color, transmission, modded or non-modded, supply during that period, location, and number of serious buyers looking. My answer is I don't know.
I have driven an m3 2000---

Bmw has a loaner program when you take your car in for service.

The 08 330 w 6 speed seems quicker then a 2000 m3 IMO... Seems faster then a 2001 m5 also.... Def handles better...

However, the 335 08 I drove is a beast. I enjoyed driving it more then the M6 for almost 1/3 the price.... U cant go wrong with 335. I cant imagine how the turbo charge v8 m3 will be ........ If its anythig like the Alpina and 1500 pds less...wow......

WHAT?:confused: I had no idea the new V8 M3 was turbo'd!:eek:
WHAT?:confused: I had no idea the new V8 M3 was turbo'd!:eek:

The new M3 is does not have forced induction of any kind when it leaves the factory.
There's too many variables: asking price, condition, year, color, transmission, modded or non-modded, supply during that period, location, and number of serious buyers looking. My answer is I don't know.

Not to mention time of year. Typically, the high season for NSX sales and prices is the summer and the low is the winter.

I could have sold my NSX is less than one week. But I didn't need to sell and therefore held out to get my price for just less than two months on Prime, and one month on autotrader. And this was recently during the doom and gloom of the sky is falling enconomic news.

I suspect I could have sold it much faster if I waited to list it until the summer.
I put my NSX on Autotrader and had three offers the next day and sold it the following day. Timing is probably the key since it was on NSXtrader.com for a month or two.

I found my NSX on Autotrader.com four years ago. This is a very limited sampling but got to say the website has been great for me!
I put my NSX on Autotrader and had three offers the next day and sold it the following day. Timing is probably the key since it was on NSXtrader.com for a month or two.

I found my NSX on Autotrader.com four years ago. This is a very limited sampling but got to say the website has been great for me!

I decided to check autotrader out after looking at cars.com, craigslist.com, ebay.com and here for the NSX I've been looking for and found it in a matter of seconds! The exact model and year with low mileage and a good price. Of course nothing is ever too good to be true; the timing is wrong, I'm looking to buy in August and the interior is yellow. I'm just not sure I could get over the feeling of driving/sitting in a banana, so much bright yellow might make me sick :-P.
How long does a NSX list for before it finally gets sold? It sure seems like lots of these cars are going to sit on the market for awhile. I see a lot for sale and less buyers out there. Should someone expect to have their car for sale for 3 months or more during this economy?

Good, clean low mileage no-modded cars for a fair price always attract the widest audience. Mods are just fine to me but these are often a matter of personal taste and do shrink the buyer pool. I looked every day for 7 months for the right color, mileage, condition NSX on this last one. I paid a fair price for it. A 2003 yellow / black just sold for $55K from a longer term prime member and I thought that was a very good deal - low mileage new body style with mostly tasteful mods. It went in a matter of a few days. The last two I sold both sold within a few days at near asking price; in fact one of then sold literally 30 minutes after I posted it but we did some back and forth for a day or so.

The NSX resale value is basically insulated from the ebbs and flows of the economy. This is pure discresionary spending. You either have it or you don't. Just because your portfolio value dropped 10 - 20% in the last 6 months doesn't mean for many of us the decision to sell a car. If that's the case with some sellers, then they shouldn't have been in the car in the first place.

Bottom line is good clean low mileage NSXs will sell quickly at a fair price irrespective of Dow 10K or Dow 15K.
The new M3 is does not have forced induction of any kind when it leaves the factory.[/QUOTE

You are some what correct...

My father in law lives In GERMANY....They have M3 08 on the LOT with v8/SC Option like the ALPINA 7 series ...

The stock 08 M3 has a v8 with 420 hp all motor....

we do not get , see or hear everythging thats avail over there. Just Like Acura offering Comptech SC cars for 100 - 120 k over here in the states back in the day. I dont think they did that all over the world....

BMW m3 Video
WHAT?:confused: I had no idea the new V8 M3 was turbo'd!:eek:


Sorry its an SC option like the Alpina 7 and not turbo.....Only in Germany at the dealer not from the factory

Father in LAw lives in Germany--So this what he saw. Dont quote me....
Just an FYI but BMW did NOT make a M3 in the 2000 year! :eek:

e36 = pre 1999 and e46 = 2001+

The new body style m3 has a V8, naturally aspirated motor with 420hp

The 335 is the car with the twin turbos.....

Comparing a BMW M3 or any BMW to an NSX is like apples and oranges fellas. I love my m3 but it's no NSX and vice versa an NSX will never be an BMW M3 in many ways. Just like saying the s2000 will drive like an NSX will never happen.

Each car has it's own merits which is why I have all these cars dammit...hahaha

Just an FYI but BMW did NOT make a M3 in the 2000 year! :eek:

e36 = pre 1999 and e46 = 2001+

The new body style m3 has a V8, naturally aspirated motor with 420hp

The 335 is the car with the twin turbos.....

Comparing a BMW M3 or any BMW to an NSX is like apples and oranges fellas. I love my m3 but it's no NSX and vice versa an NSX will never be an BMW M3 in many ways. Just like saying the s2000 will drive like an NSX will never happen.

Each car has it's own merits which is why I have all these cars dammit...hahaha


You are again correct.....There were no American Year 2000 m3....
My father in Law lives In Germany. The euro Market had a 2000 m3, which he still has until this day....in BabenHausen, Germany...

3 series & M3 Facts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMW_3_Series (european MArket)

I know that from 1999-2001 (correction 2000), They didnt produce one in the American MArket, but I assume it was very similar other then gearing and electronic controlled Speed Limiter....

I did not see where someoene asked for a comparison of the two. The Org poster just asked have anyone driven the other models.... I never compared the NSX with the M3...I compared BMW with BMW...

Its almost ridiculous or unfair IMO to comapre a 1992 car with a 2000+ car period....Especially Luxury Sport Sedan vs Sport Car.....

Before I bought my NSX....I kept trying to compare it to the m6... Only Comparison I can do and it be justifiable is a straight line 1/4 and thats it....

Both are fun cars to have and own....The Only BMW you can go wrong with to me is the Wagon....hahahah

On any given day I rather jump in the NSX then the m6 or 645...Allot depends on mood( do i feel like getting 1000000 questions and if wifey is going along).... So much so that I am going to sell the m6 this summer, for its getting neglected....

Being that my father in law lives in Germany and is a car guy----He updates me weekly what we are missing out on and what they can get in Germany....

Sorry to get so off NSX topic
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I am looking at several options. I was hoping to just buy a third car to keep in my garage and not get rid of my IS350. I spoke with the wife and she doesn't like the idea of having so many depreciable assets. Plus, I have a company car so I don't get to drive my ride very often anyway.

Anyway, if I have to replace my current car to get another than I considering cars with a back seat since I have two young kids. They rarely ride in the car so maybe getting the M3 coupe is nice car for that option.
I am looking at several options. I was hoping to just buy a third car to keep in my garage and not get rid of my IS350. I spoke with the wife and she doesn't like the idea of having so many depreciable assets. Plus, I have a company car so I don't get to drive my ride very often anyway.

Anyway, if I have to replace my current car to get another than I considering cars with a back seat since I have two young kids. They rarely ride in the car so maybe getting the M3 coupe is nice car for that option.

I have 2 kids also....1 and 3. So the Only time I get to drive the X is at night or small grocery store runs...quite boring trip i might add....
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I've got three kids and also rarely get to drive my 3rd car which is the NSX. If you have a company car that has a back seat, just use that as your kid hauler. I drive my NSX to the office on occasion on a nice day when I know I don't have kid activities or the need for a back seat. I went the route you are talking about with a BMW and also a new CLK 500 between NSX purchases as a good compromise car (power and a small back seat) but found it just that - a compromise. I like the IS 350 alot but I say sell it and get you a weekend / occasional pure sports car, NSX, VIPER, F-car or whatever else you like.