
8 April 2003
Indianapolis, IN
Just curious if some of you who are involved in autocross/SOLO (same thing?) type racing could share how you got started in it. I have an 87 BMW 325 that I plan on keeping after the new NSX arrives this spring and was thinking about having some fun with it. I'm not looking to win any trophies, just want to learn a little more about driving dynamics and have some fun with some car people. So mainly looking for;

1. How did you get started?
2. Safety mods required or 'run what you brung'?
3. Entry fees or licensing requirements?
4. Laid back atmosphere or blood thirsty Schuey wannabes?
5. Anything else you care to add.

Thanks for the help guys much appreciated:)

Well, Big Nate, I'll try to answer your questions. I just finished my first season doing the Autocross (SCCA Solo II) events here in Albuquerque.

1. How did you get started?

Another NSX'er told me about it, and I was interested. I came out to the beginner's clinic at the start of the season, and after a day of learning how to handle my car at the limit I was hooked.

2. Safety mods required or 'run what you brung'?

For the most part, it's "run what you brung." You'll take out any extra items from your car (floor mats, spare tire, jack/tools, etc.) and make sure that the car is roadworthy. When you get your tech inspection at the beginning of the day, your car will be gone over with a fine-toothed comb for loose items, etc. In the NSX, just be sure your battery is tied down well, you have plenty of brake pad left, and your tires have plenty of air pressure in them, and you should be fine.

Also, you'll be required to wear an approved helmet. Check the SCCA web site to see what's approved. The local chapter here has loaner helmets for the novices to use, so bringing a helmet isn't necessary (but encouraged.)

3. Entry fees or licensing requirements?

Here in ABQ, you don't have to be a member of the SCCA to enter the events, but you do get a discount if you are. No license (other than a valid driver's license) is required for Solo II events.

4. Laid back atmosphere or blood thirsty Schuey wannabes?

Here in ABQ, everyone is very laid back and it's a really fun atmosphere. Sure, everyone is competitive and tries their hardest, but it is all fun and there aren't any Schumacher wannabes.

5. Anything else you care to add.

Yes, it's the cheapest, most fun you can have in your car safely! Get out there and do it!


Hey thanks a lot Viper Driver, the information and your time is greatly appreciated! Those are the answers I was kind of hoping to hear (cheap, fun, and educational). I think I'll start with the BMW though instead of the NSX, gotta learn to crawl before you run. Tailwinds!:)

Big nate, When I was in Columbus last April they were having a very large AutoX in the Cummings parking lot. I stopped to look and chat, it was a yearly club event to open the year. Might be worth looking into.