Autoweek: Lexus' LF-A Spied - NSX? What NSX?

26 March 2006
Middle of nowhere, Iowa
Autoweek - Comment: Lexus' LF-A Spied - NSX? What NSX?

AutoWeek Comment - NSX? What NSX? I, for the most part, agree. I just don't see Honda getting anything of value put together for years. The bar is set really high and how will Honda out do Lexus, Audi and Nissan. For the money, they can't beat any of them. Acura is not even able to sell a fantastic car like the RL for close to list price. Mean while, Lexus is selling $100k sedans and has the cache of BMW and MB at this point. I would love to see Honda try, but I am not holding my breath. :frown: ........Steve
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It will be good if Lexus comes out first ,then Honda will do what it takes to beat it. Same with the Skyline. We just saw pics of Honda testing the suspension on the stretched S2000 and know they're working on the fuel economy of the V10 to surpass our current V6 engines. The fact that they're working on the fuel economy means most of the engine details such as size is already finalized just not revealed to public. If you have engine and suspension that's a lot of work done. This November they hope to have a more finalized body to show. So it's coming along. I'm sooooo happy with my NSX and S2000 I don't mind waiting a few years just to see what they do. If I don't like it all those other cars will still be here:smile:
The Honda we used to know (the "original" dream and vision if you will) died along with Soichiro, founder of the company's namesake, back in 1991. They've been sitting on their tushies all those years reveling on their past laurels while everyone had upped the ante. 14+ years had lapsed and now they want to play catch-up? HA ! Good luck! In the meantime, I think I'll git mahself one of these Lexus babies!

I'm sorry Honda, but I've lost faith in you, after being a loyal customers for so many years. Toyota, here I come!

Rant over.
Does anyone read the new threads anymore?

Could you please help me understand the point you were attempting to make with your post.

The point of my post was to show that the new NSX has droped off the radar and there are very real cars coming out that will be exciting choices in the market place, where Honda will have none. I am at a loss to think of what Honda will do to introduce a step level competitor to these new vehicles. To me it will just be one of many cool cars to consider, not THE car to HAVE.......Steve
Could you please help me understand the point you were attempting to make with your post.

The point of my post was to show that the new NSX has droped off the radar and there are very real cars coming out that will be exciting choices in the market place, where Honda will have none. I am at a loss to think of what Honda will do to introduce a step level competitor to these new vehicles. To me it will just be one of many cool cars to consider, not THE car to HAVE.......Steve

My point was there is an LF-A thread a whole 2 threads below yours in the same forum that you could have added to. And it was there before you started yours. This is like the 27 people starting 27 threads on the stretched S2000 test mule all referencing the same info. Post 16 of which also references the video starting the other thread right below yours. Or the multiple threads on the baby yellow NSX. Meaning use of the "new posts" function would make new entries with similar or identical content appear obvious and deter new thread starting for no reason.
My point was there is an LF-A thread a whole 2 threads below yours in the same forum that you could have added to. And it was there before you started yours. This is like the 27 people starting 27 threads on the stretched S2000 test mule all referencing the same info. Post 16 of which also references the video starting the other thread right below yours. Or the multiple threads on the baby yellow NSX. Meaning use of the "new posts" function would make new entries with similar or identical content appear obvious and deter new thread starting for no reason.

With all due respect, I had no idea that you were appointed the all Seeing Eye for Prime to determine which new threads have merit or not. From now on, I will PM you asking if it is appropriate for me to post a new thread, since apparently, I do not have the intelligence or insight to do that myself.......Thanks for your help :rolleyes: .........Steve
With all due respect, I had no idea that you were appointed the all Seeing Eye for Prime to determine which new threads have merit or not. From now on, I will PM you asking if it is appropriate for me to post a new thread, since apparently, I do not have the intelligence or insight to do that myself.......Thanks for your help :rolleyes: .........Steve

Orrr you could use your eyes & short term memory before enlightening us all with how some new car will have 4 wheels & an internal combustion engine. Or at least add a new post to the "new car with 4 wheels & internal combustion engine" thread.:tongue:
Orrr you could use your eyes & short term memory before enlightening us all with how some new car will have 4 wheels & an internal combustion engine. Or at least add a new post to the "new car with 4 wheels & internal combustion engine" thread.:tongue:

Here is a thread I bet we are both tired of, so please go talk some sense into these guys........Steve
yea I'm pretty sad about Honda as well. I think the best Honda's were made in the early 90s, NSX, Prelude, CRX, Integra, Legend... those were the best of Honda.

I'm not sure what they are doing now... I guess they are going more green?
The Honda we used to know (the "original" dream and vision if you will) died along with Soichiro, founder of the company's namesake, back in 1991. They've been sitting on their tushies all those years reveling on their past laurels while everyone had upped the ante. 14+ years had lapsed and now they want to play catch-up? HA ! Good luck! In the meantime, I think I'll git mahself one of these Lexus babies!

I'm sorry Honda, but I've lost faith in you, after being a loyal customers for so many years. Toyota, here I come!

These are the sentiments of a great many Honda fans. I think this is what happens to a company when they stop believing in what made them special and what made their products stand out. Honda, for me and for many others, is now just another car maker. They produce quality and reliable people haulers that are easy on the environment, and that is not a bad thing. They simply no longer make cars for the enthusiasts and their racing history is just that.......history.:rolleyes:

The money I will spend on the LF-A would have been spent on a credible NSX replacement. That seems highly unlikely now. From all accounts Honda is just trying to play a catch up game with the likes of the GT-R and the LF-A, neither of which was hastily put together and both of which seem stellar performers. If Honda go their most likely current rout with a v-10 2+2 GT, it would be too heavy and ungainly and therefore likely unable to outperform the LF-A and at the same time will never have the cache of the cars it may dream to aspire to, the Aston Martins and the 2+2 Ferraris. The result would be a flop. A failure this time would likely put Honda out of producing anything remotely resembling a performance car for good.:mad:

Good Bye is a shame that your customers and your fans believed in your capability and dreams more than you did yourselves. :mad:
The Honda we used to know (the "original" dream and vision if you will) died along with Soichiro, founder of the company's namesake, back in 1991. They've been sitting on their tushies all those years reveling on their past laurels while everyone had upped the ante. 14+ years had lapsed and now they want to play catch-up? HA ! Good luck! In the meantime, I think I'll git mahself one of these Lexus babies!

I'm sorry Honda, but I've lost faith in you, after being a loyal customers for so many years. Toyota, here I come!

Rant over.

WOW No real love there for our cars. Havn't you ever heard of the phrase "The best things come to those who wait"????

I think the LFA is a beautiful car BUT I can not buy something knowing that honda is actually going threw with this build of the new NSX I will wait! I dont care if its 3 years! My 95 makes me happy now and will for years to come until the new ones are stateside.
WOW No real love there for our cars. Havn't you ever heard of the phrase "The best things come to those who wait"????

I think the LFA is a beautiful car BUT I can not buy something knowing that honda is actually going threw with this build of the new NSX I will wait! I dont care if its 3 years! My 95 makes me happy now and will for years to come until the new ones are stateside.

When Honda built the NSX they had a lot to prove and were able to produce a car that shocked the Sports Car establishment. Based on the current environment, I don't see how Honda can do any better than a me-to car. So it won't be THE CAR, it will be one car to chose from of many similar and/or like really great cars......Steve
yea I'm pretty sad about Honda as well. I think the best Honda's were made in the early 90s, NSX, Prelude, CRX, Integra, Legend... those were the best of Honda.

I'm not sure what they are doing now... I guess they are going more green?

Gotta disagree chief the S2000 is friggin awesome! That's the real NSX baby brother:biggrin:
WOW No real love there for our cars. Havn't you ever heard of the phrase "The best things come to those who wait"????

I think the LFA is a beautiful car BUT I can not buy something knowing that honda is actually going threw with this build of the new NSX I will wait! I dont care if its 3 years! My 95 makes me happy now and will for years to come until the new ones are stateside.

Dude - a lot of guys on here have been waiting for YEARS. Doug Hayashi was writing about the "new NSX" back in 1998.

Zanardi 50 is spot on. I'm particularly bitter about the "current" NSX at the moment though.
I don't see how Honda can do any better than a me-to car.

This is an easy one. Honda could do it with a V10, 400+hp & 50+mpg. It's possible with a lightweight frame, existing engine management technologies and direct injection. Do you see the change in attitude of the american public towards fuel economy? If Honda did something like this, it WOULD shock the sports car world.
This is an easy one. Honda could do it with a V10, 400+hp & 50+mpg. It's possible with a lightweight frame, existing engine management technologies and direct injection. Do you see the change in attitude of the american public towards fuel economy? If Honda did something like this, it WOULD shock the sports car world.

I agree it might shock the sportscar world and magazine editors, but it wouldn't sell anything. Nobody buying $100k cars gives a shit about gas mileage.
I agree it might shock the sportscar world and magazine editors, but it wouldn't sell anything. Nobody buying $100k cars gives a shit about gas mileage.

You think it's going to be $100k? I sure don't. I bet it comes in under the 2007 NSX price.
Dude - a lot of guys on here have been waiting for YEARS. Doug Hayashi was writing about the "new NSX" back in 1998.

Zanardi 50 is spot on. I'm particularly bitter about the "current" NSX at the moment though.

You are correct BUT how many toyota lovers have been hearing about the next supra since what ??? 1997! I remember reading articles in the late 90's about toyota's new supercar.... IT HAS BEEN 10 years for them to wait.

All I was saying is honda is not going to release something that will not compete or beat this car! It will not happen. They are in direct competition with one another soooo honda will not relase this until they can "compete or beat" the lfa and the skyline also. The moral of the story is they are not morons and going to release a new nsx that is not up to todays standards.

And as far as price goes, well I bet it will be around that 70k mark like the skyline. I am not sure what the lfa will be at.

Just my .02

You are correct BUT how many toyota lovers have been hearing about the next supra since what ??? 1997! I remember reading articles in the late 90's about toyota's new supercar.... IT HAS BEEN 10 years for them to wait.

All I was saying is honda is not going to release something that will not compete or beat this car! It will not happen. They are in direct competition with one another soooo honda will not relase this until they can "compete or beat" the lfa and the skyline also. The moral of the story is they are not morons and going to release a new nsx that is not up to todays standards.

And as far as price goes, well I bet it will be around that 70k mark like the skyline. I am not sure what the lfa will be at.

Just my .02


I'm sad about honda as well, i do believe they are degradating since early 90s. But they could not update NSX, it was a dead end. why? because of 280hp agreement. No car manufacturer will make like 350 or 400hp model for other markets and 280hp model for their own market, its a disrespect to your own home customers. its not going to happen, its like if BMW built 240hp E36 M3 for germany and 321hp same E36 M3 for US (they did vise versa). if there was no damn gentleman agreement, NSX could easily get 350hp starting from 97 when NA2 appeared or even from the bigining ;)
I'm sad about honda as well, i do believe they are degradating since early 90s. But they could not update NSX, it was a dead end. why? because of 280hp agreement. No car manufacturer will make like 350 or 400hp model for other markets and 280hp model for their own market, its a disrespect to your own home customers. its not going to happen, its like if BMW built 240hp E36 M3 for germany and 321hp same E36 M3 for US (they did vise versa). if there was no damn gentleman agreement, NSX could easily get 350hp starting from 97 when NA2 appeared or even from the bigining ;)

Did that agreement not die a while ago????????
Did that agreement not die a while ago????????

No that was dissolved fairly recently hence the High power cars like the Skyline , LF-A and ASCC being on the way.
Toyota/Lexus can design and sell a $150k GT car with outstanding performance.
Aston Martin/Bentley/BMW/MB can design and sell a $150k GT car with good or great performance.

Honda can design a $150k GT car with outstanding performance. But nobody will buy it. Why? 'Weaker brand' you say? Yes, obviously.

But the weaker brand isn't a result of fickle consumers or lame marketing. It comes from a decade of increasingly mundane products. It also comes from (I know all too well) management's failure to maintain its customer base. How many new NSX owners were interviewed to understand what THEY want in a flagship replacement. None that I'm aware of. Instead, Honda spits out this atrocious ASCC. That's a management failure. In my quick-n-dirty "Acura dealership service quality" poll, about 50% of respondents were VERY unhappy. That figure, for NSX owners in particular, should be like 5%. That, again, is a management failure.

A worldclass automotive engineering company, with tremendous customer loyalty, has been run into the ground over the last 10 years. It shouldn't come as any surprise that its brand is noncompetitive.