Automobile Trivia

10 September 2003
I heard this question on the Car and Driver TV show, but missed the answer:

"What car has a top speed of 215 mph and was only available in red?"

I was thinking Ferrari F40, I haven't seen any that aren't red, but I don't think the top speed on it is that high.

Anyone know?
There's a common misconception that some Ferrari's only come in red.

I'd say the closest is the Enzo [217mph] but that obviously comes in other colours. I thought originally they were only going to release it in red.

Ther Ferrari F40 is well short of 215mph, and there are some in yellow.

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lol...or with yellow side mirrors :D

Offtopic... has anyone else ever seen the F40 with the pop-up lights up like this!?!?!? :eek: Four Eyes! :D I'm so glad Honda didn't copy ferrari's headlights. :(

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