Austin Hill Country Drive - Saturday, Jan. 8, 2005

Ojas said:
<a target="_blank" href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src=""></a>
Group shot at Dripping Springs Elementary School

I thought the TSX was an SUV right next to NSXs :eek:
ATXTL said:
Ojas, it was definetly nice to meet you!
Hey Grayson - Likewise! I got a quite few rock chips, but had so many to start with, I’m not sure it makes a real difference for me. :redface: One of these days, I’ll repaint the bumper and hood and replace the windshield.

1.5-2 tanks? :eek: Then again, it does take a bit of fuel to sustain the speeds you were hitting. :wink: I think you were the fastest out of anyone I saw: I remember when you were going the opposite direction on 281, you did a U-turn, and it seemed like a few seconds later, you not only caught up, but flew right past us!

NSXLuvr: The miles are somewhere north of 170K (I don’t know for sure). However, it’s only been about 15K since Basch worked his magic on the engine.
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Ok, finally got some pics up on the intraweb.






And this is what the front bumper looks like:

Yeah, I think we were going a tad bit fast. There was one light were we took off after the GT3 and ended up going about 160 on 360. Then when we got seperated, we cruising at about 140-150. So, yeah, we were deinf hauling some a$$!! But god, that car is too much dang fun!!
ATXTL said:
:werd: The first quote I got was for $2300.00!!! :eek:

No offense. But, that's why you take it to the track(or keeps speeds below 90mph). If you went to TWS you could be doing 150MPH on the straightaways, and come home with only a rubber marks(easy to take out) and lotsa brake dust on the wheels.

nice group of cars btw.
NSXLuvr said:
No offense. But, that's why you take it to the track(or keeps speeds below 90mph). If you went to TWS you could be doing 150MPH on the straightaways, and come home with only a rubber marks(easy to take out) and lotsa brake dust on the wheels.

nice group of cars btw.
Well, actually, the rock chips came from when we were doing less than 45 mph. We got stuck behind a motorhome and a dumptruck on a freshly oiled and rocked road-so thank you TXDoT for using crap material on our roads :mad: .

Also, at TWS, you can get similar damage. I personally have not gone, but a friend has. He took a Viper and his friend took an M3. The M3 followed the Viper and got very similar damage from the crap kicked up from the Viper.

Anyways, it was fun and well worth it-everyone was very cool and I know that we all had a blast.
Guys and gals, there’s another one scheduled for Feburary 20th. Some info including route can be found here.

Kurt, it looks like you might have to modify your driving style in order to comply with the new ban on “burnouts, donuts, power braking, power slides, etc.” :)
Ojas said:
Guys and gals, there’s another one scheduled for Feburary 20th. Some info including route can be found here.

Kurt, it looks like you might have to modify your driving style in order to comply with the new ban on “burnouts, donuts, power braking, power slides, etc.” :)
Yeah, I saw that and immediatly thought of Kurt! :biggrin:

Anyways, Ojas, you going?? I think that I might come out, but will have to see as the date gets closer.
I'm game. I just camped out at Inks lake last weekend. Park Road 4 is a fun one. There's this massive castle along it that you get little looks at when on PR-4. Let's just hope that 1431 doesn't have a bunch of cars holding us up like it did for the other 6 of us that decided to take 281 to 1431 on the last drive.
That’s great guys! I will definately be there. Today, we did a little impromptu test run of the northern half of the February 20th route. It was my first time on Park Road 4 and oh my... Is that road a blast! In spite of being the middle of winter, it’s a very scenic area, as well.

Yeah, I was wondering what the deal is with that castle... Here’s the site.

Now what about the NSX owners? Don’t let me be the only one.
I can't wait till the 20th. The last drive was so much fun!!

By the way, what do y'all think of a 2005 Ducati 749??
Well, if everything goes as planned, I will sporting my new ride. Unfortunatley not the Viper, but another, high performance, fast, automobile!! Stay tuned!
ATXTL said:
Well, if everything goes as planned, I will sporting my new ride. Unfortunatley not the Viper, but another, high performance, fast, automobile!! Stay tuned!

Any car update yet?
Hey Ojas, did you see this section Jefferson added regarding the Sunday drive?

I have this odd feeling it refers to 2 things I did on the last drive (which I think were not bad at all). I know I made that one pass on the guy in the Z28 that was going very slow on 150, but that was safe in my opinion because I had no oncoming traffic for a LONG distance. The other was the turn I nailed in Dripping Springs, and that was an easy drift I pulled with a safe margin of error and no surrounding cars (especially considering the 2 cars that were in front of me missed the turn, giving me more than enough room to take the turn on the hard side).

As a person that has 3 Bondurant certifications, SCCA road racing experience, and much practice over the route we'd taken in the car I was driving at the time I feel that I was definately behaving myself. What do you think of this whole thing?
Hey Kurt,

As impressive as both those manuevers were, I’m certain it was not you who prompted the creation of these guidelines. I meet with some of the guys a few weeks ago and they mentioned serveral drivers were engaging in discourteous, dangerous, and just plain dumb behavior. That’s why he had to come up with these guidelines. I think they are basically a deterrent to keep the idiots out of our group.

So don’t worry. :) See you this weekend. I’ll try to get you on video this time. :D
Ojas said:
Hey Kurt,

As impressive as both those manuevers were, I’m certain it was not you who prompted the creation of these guidelines. I meet with some of the guys a few weeks ago and they mentioned serveral drivers were engaging in discourteous, dangerous, and just plain dumb behavior. That’s why he had to come up with these guidelines. I think they are basically a deterrent to keep the idiots out of our group.

So don’t worry. :) See you this weekend. I’ll try to get you on video this time. :D

Cool. Thanks. See you Sunday.
So I've heard of raindancing. Has anyone got a method of dancing to keep rain away? The little system blowing in last night a little early helps, but though they say it's 30% for Sunday, I'm not so hopeful.

Cross your fingers.
I think I'm heading to the theatre this morning just to play it safe. It hasn't rained since yesterday and hopefully we get a little sunlight to dry it up a little bit more. Anyone else have any input, give me a call 512.913.5878
The weather was not working with us yesterday, but I still had a good time hanging out with everyone. The next one is tenatively scheduled for March 12. I’ll make a post once the date is made official.


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