August Modified Magazine: Carbon 6 Composites NSX

If someone subscribes to Modified, let us know when the issue drops so I can release the pics. :) I only have the digital version and it usually lags a few weeks. :(

I have a subscription for the print version. I'll let you know.
Congrats Jeff. Looking forward to my issue of Modified more than ever now.... By chance, do you have a link to a build thread here on Prime?
Awesome.. I gonna get that magazine.. :biggrin: I always love your build of that beauty.. Yay... Good job!,
Congrats Jeff,

As has been said elsewhere, the real appeal of this NSX is the detail you dont see and the R&D that has created a coherent design ... there are many great features, mine being the mirrors and door frame liners!

regards, Paul
Congrats Jeff!!! Well deserved feature for a phenomenally built NSX!!!

Thank you again to all. To have a car that has been modified this much still get the admiration of the NSX community is truly an honor for me.
No luck in finding the magazine yet but I will buy it once I find it! Congrats for the feature!
Wonderful job on the car. One one my favorites and best design. The wall plaques that you get from the magazine ended up being one of the enjoyable playoffs for the hard work
Where is the picture of the car without the front bumper showing all the carbon??? I love that picture.
AMAZING car sir!
Finally found me a copy!

Had no luck finding one around me.
Had to go all the way up to a Walmart in Tennessee till I found it (granted I was going out there for other reasons, lol).

There were actually only two issues left at the Walmart and I picked up one at first. After meeting up with some friends from Chicago, come to find out one of our friend's car was also featured in the same issue. Ended up going back to the Walmart and scooping up the last issue for the friend that had come down from Chicago.
What a funny coincidence.

Once again, congratulations Jeff! Great job.