August Automob. Mag....NSX, LFA,GTR,EVO,C7!!

Its all good . . .

I do dislike the C6 interior, but its performance and value are substantial.
brahtw8 said:
Its all good . . .

I do dislike the C6 interior, but its performance and value are substantial.

You don't like it - you don't like, there is nothing wrong with that. Some people don't like the NSX - fine. But they said its "crap" then I would beg to differ.

A few years ago I was tracking at Watkins Glen with a bunch of friends and we swapped cars - 911 RS America, 500+ HP 300Z TT, Saleen Mustang and my NSX. Everyone drove laps in all 4 cars. Guess which car everyone liked best? Their own! But we all gained an appreciation for the other cars.
TC said:
I don't think that they need to surprise the world again - just improve what got them all of the praise and admiration in the first place.

To me its simple - a better NSX. Honda can make a V6 with 400+ HP. The 997 GT3 3.6 liter engine (NA) makes 415 HP and revs to 8400 RPM. Keep the car MR transverse layout so it has a trunk to retain its user-friendly capabilities. Make the overall car a bit larger. Better brakes. Price it at $85k and you have a winner.

The reason is the Honda tradition. From the lawn mowers to the F1 racing engines, everything Honda makes it makes to try to be the best. It is not in their culture to play second fiddle, to be content with being second best. After they have given it their best shot, if they end up coming second or third or first, that is a different story, but they always give it their best effort.

That is why it is so difficult for them to just improve upon the NSX. Just improving it would not do it, not anymore. It would HAVE to be a new platform, a new chassis, a new powerplant. It would have to be because in the past 15 years the competition has gotten that much better.

Either Honda will come up with a car that its competition and the customers will be awed by or they will simply not have an NSX replacement. But I do not think that they will come up with just yet another sports car.

That is why so many of us are Honda people.
liftcontrol said:
That is why it is so difficult for them to just improve upon the NSX. Just improving it would not do it, not anymore. It would HAVE to be a new platform, a new chassis, a new powerplant. It would have to be because in the past 15 years the competition has gotten that much better.

I'm not suggesting that they shouldn't develop a completely new car, I'm just wondering why they don't know what formula car to build. Why not an MR, high-revving V6 - that's my question/point?
I hope Honda's ploy here is that they are being very, very tight lipped about the project. It's how they are, they don't leak out too much information. Then BOOM, they release the vehicle and it catches everyone off guard.
Stay tuned, we shall see. At least I'm hoping it ends up that way.
Corvettes are Corvettes, and that is good.

Porsches are Porsches, and that is good.

BMWs are BMWs, and that is good

I see no reason to suggest that any one is less to make another seem like more. Those cars are what they are, and do what they do, but not one of them is an NSX, and none is built by Honda.

Unfortunately any speculation about a "Next NSX" is just noise until the cover comes off at an introduction.

Personally, I have been making the noise about a front mounted mid-engined SH-AWD halo car for a while now, but that is, and can only be speculation. I don't know anything others don't.

On the other side of the fence...

I am weary of being led along by a faith in Honda to "do the right thing". When there are soooo many options out there to consider. Toyota, and Nissan are tantalizing me with more information, and lately I find that I am slowly being reeled into their boat.

Re: streetin'...

Osiris_x11 said:
Anyone/anywho know anything about a Stradale version of the F430 Challenge?!? :confused:

I've seen a F430 Challenge around towne, at the time misinterpreted to be a Stradale (corrected on 'Prime... :tongue: ). I want a streetable version to be offered, so 360 F1 Stradale Challenge's will get flipped by whimsical owners, thus available for the masses! :biggrin:

There have been rumors of the 430CS, but the car may be redesigned before they release it. There has been discussion about this on F-chat. The problem is that even if they release the F430CS the "chosen ones" who will actually be able to get one will almost all certainly flip them for $100-150K more than MSRP (normal F430's have been flipped for more than 50-75K over list), and you can assume a F430CS would be a 225-250K car so figure mid to upper 3's for them. This will do little in the short term to lower the asking price on a 180-210K 360CS I am afraid. Of course, in another 2 years when they they all need the first major service you will see a few on the market for less needing the service, and for the few that cross over 10K miles the value will drop on them. I see $150K being a price you can get one for in 3-4 years with low miles, and maybe $120-140 for higher mileage cars.
TC said:
I don't get it. Honda is famous for relentless incremental improvement - just do that on the NSX. It should have been done for the past 15 years and Honda wouldn't be in the mess in the first place.

What mess are you talking about?
Vancehu said:
What mess are you talking about?

What Vancehu didn't know that a 91 NSX and an 05 are virtually identical:eek:

Yeah Vance even though "changes by model year" shows numerous changes advances and updates. Most people even NSX prime members continue to say and believe Honda did nothing but add one gear and a point two to the engine size.

I even started a thread asking people who had older NSX's and went to newer models if they found any differences. They all said yes. I think it's because the majority of the people on the site are 91-93 owners that this myth is kept going.