whatisreal7 said:
I will be in Asia first half of June for business trip, so probably can't make that time. If its right before, or right after, I am totally down to check out the new shop! Is this just a hobby of yours, or are you going to turn it into a business?

Hey Allen,
You always get to travel man, I want your job. As for my new shop, its a business but I like to have it as a place for nsxers to hang out on the weekend and talks about NSX and maybe I can help to fix some of your minors nsx problems :wink:
Mike, what are the hours your shop is open?
Nsx Service Girl said:
What kind of shop did you open?

Hey Susan,
I bought an existing business, we specialize in custom painting/body mod and conversions.
we have been works on lots of NSXes in the past years and our currently project will be done soon for SEMA in Vegas.