Arizona gas crisis

10 September 2002
Story here. This is insane, I never thought I'd be unable to drive the NSX due to a gas shortage. Those of you in other states, count your blessings that you're not experiencing the same thing.

Lines are forming around the blocks at all the gas stations that have remained open (nearly half of them have shut down), and auto parts stores are selling out of locking gas caps and siphoning kits. Unfortunately my Mustang has no locking cap. :( I just washed my cars over the weekend, and had to put them immediately back into the garage to conserve what little remaining fuel I have left. Some gas stations are charging $3-$4 for regular unleaded fuel, and even then they are selling out quickly. A coworker waited two hours to get gas yesterday, and said plenty of folks behind her in line got screwed as the pumps ran dry. I don't know how the other local NSXers are faring, but if this goes on much longer I don't know how people are going to cope. I definitely wish my employer would lighten up on the "no-telecommuting" policy, but on the other hand perhaps this is the push they need to rethink their position on the issue.

This sucks. :(
wow!! that sucks!
you might be better off buying a 50 gallon drum of trick or turbo blue for the time being.
man, this is got to be the worst news for the summer. gas consumption is highest during summertime so this is truly a bad time for shortage.

they should limit the amount of gas each person can buy at any given time.

the guy that was selling gas to make money during this time is a's like selling a slice of bread for $10 during a famine..... :mad:
Man.. we already blew up IRAQ.. .I thought gas was supposed to go down now!
Looks like they updated the story, and things are sounding more promising. However, there are still lines of cars forming around the few stations that are open, so people are still in a feast or famine mode around here. The guy that grossed $800 selling cans of gas should be horsewhipped. Taking advantage of desperate folks at a time like this is deplorable.

Man, this has not been a good couple of weeks for the US. Terrorists have been shown two easy ways to wreck havoc...let's hope the authorities learn from these incidents and take appropriate precautions.

Well- if it makes you AZ guys feel any better our DMV Vehicle LIcense fees are going to TRIPLE soon. Tags could cost up to 1k for the newer NSX.

And gas here has rose about .50c in the last 10 days or so.
damn, another reason why i dont wanna take my X down south... it'll cost about $60-80 just for gas. damn it. this thing needs to stop.
Well, this definitely sucks, but luckily for me (not really) I've been in the hospital and rehab for the past month in a half. By the time I'm driving again this crisis will have been over for a long time. So I'll have missed the hottest days every recorded and a gas crisis........
Was it worth the injury though.... Helllllll no :( :( :(

By the way Kelvin, I know gas stations around here that still have 91. It's probably not good for you though, either you can wait in line for 2 hours.....or drive about an hour to get gas, its south of Chandler. Lemme know if you want directions.
Good thing I store my own fuel in my garage.
PS... dont even try it .I own 3 glocks an Uzi security cameras
and have not fed my Rottweilers in days.. (YUMM ....people!!):D

I feel for you guys down in AZ. This issue and the power outage in the NE really sheads light on how behind we are as a country when it comes to supplying our energy needs. Its ashame you folks should have to wait for fuel as well as what all of us have to pay for it throughout the entire country.
At a $1.90+ a gallon in So. Cal. it costs me over $50.00 to fill-up my Silverado. With the prices you guys are paying that would equate to $75 - $100 per tank - Ouch!!! :mad:
As long as we are dependant on oil we will continue to bend over and take it up the kester. :eek:
5inchfatlip said:
Well- if it makes you AZ guys feel any better our DMV Vehicle LIcense fees are going to TRIPLE soon. Tags could cost up to 1k for the newer NSX.
That *really* bites! :(
Syonara said:
Well, this definitely sucks, but luckily for me (not really) I've been in the hospital and rehab for the past month in a half. By the time I'm driving again this crisis will have been over for a long time. So I'll have missed the hottest days every recorded and a gas crisis........
Was it worth the injury though.... Helllllll no :( :( :(
Whoa, did I miss something? :eek: What happened, dude, and are you all right?
Syonara said:
By the way Kelvin, I know gas stations around here that still have 91. It's probably not good for you though, either you can wait in line for 2 hours.....or drive about an hour to get gas, its south of Chandler. Lemme know if you want directions.
Thanks bud, luckily I found a gas station free from crowds admist a bunch of other ones that were shut down. I filled up at a "bargain basement" price of $2.15/gallon for regular unleaded (for my Mustang). I'm not planning on driving the NSX until this crisis is over...
MYNSX said:
Good thing I store my own fuel in my garage.
PS... dont even try it .I own 3 glocks an Uzi security cameras
and have not fed my Rottweilers in days.. (YUMM ....people!!):D
Hmm, tempting. ;) Actually, people have resorted to stealing fuel from vehicles by cutting the fuel lines. How demented is that?! :mad:

Thanks for everyone's condolensces. The bad news is that the pipelines failed the pressurized test, although the operators are hopeful to have it running again by the weekend. I'm keeping my fingers crossed..
Joel said:
I say the next NSX should be electric-powered.


if it keeps the performance it already has now then i can say yes to this.
PHOEN$X said:
... The guy that grossed $800 selling cans of gas should be horsewhipped. Taking advantage of desperate folks at a time like this is deplorable....
I have to disagree with you on your persepctive of this (of course easy for me to say, I'm not being affected ....)
As I interpret the story, seems like he is more enterprising than gouging - he got up at 3 am to fill gas cans when anyone else could have done the same thing- he is providing a "service" of allowing people to electively buy his gas as opposed to waiting in line - I don't see the problem with this.
What torques me more is the gas stations raising their prices - it doesn't cost them any more to buy the gas, but they charge more because they can. At least the guy with the cans is doing something to earn his money - invested in the cans, put in the time & effort to get up at anti-social hours & is working the line for the benefit of those who did not want to apply the same effort & are willing to pay the extra, to forego losing the extra sleep, or advantage of not waiting in line.
Anyway, hopes its back to normal for you soon.
This is just capitalism at work. If you believe in the system, then you should have no problem with someone who works within the system to make a profit. Are you guys suggesting government regulation on the gasoline industry? :eek:
PHOEN$X said:
I filled up at a "bargain basement" price of $2.15/gallon for regular unleaded (for my Mustang). I'm not planning on driving the NSX until this crisis is over...

Not too bad (considering the low supply).

While at LAX yesterday, I saw $2.29 for regular gas. $2.49 for 91 octane.

Here at home, I've been seeing $2.19 for regular... sometimes even $2.09. :(

I say the next NSX should be electric-powered.

Only if it still sounds cool inside and out!
We're feeling it here in CA as well. Granted, we're not running out of gas but street prices (at least at the stations I've seen in South Orange County) have gone up more than 40 cents per gallon in the last three weeks.

And Labor Day (usually the most heavily travelled and most expensive time for gas all year) is right around the corner.

Good times.

Someone remind me again why I didn't keep that mind 1996 Civic EX sedan that ran on regular unleaded and never got less than 30mpg!
PHOEN$X said:

Whoa, did I miss something? :eek: What happened, dude, and are you all right?

Ya, I've got a severe fractured right acetabulum and dislocated femur. Basically its like breaking your hip......It happened July 9th playing hockey. Also, after surgery there was a lot of swelling around my syatic nerve so it feels like my foot is on fire because of nerve damage and there's no pills to solve that problem.

Am I alright? No, not really, I've been out almost 2 months now and still can't put any weight on my leg. And of course its my right leg too....... Thats why I haven't been around at all, maybe I'll see you guys at the pavilions before the year is over.
There's much more to the story, but I'm too drugged up to type it all.....
Speaking of capitalism/opportunists: (I don't think I would trust this dude w/my cars though) (15 bids? :confused: )

Here's an article on California gas prices jump.
Syonara said:
Ya, I've got a severe fractured right acetabulum and dislocated femur. Basically its like breaking your hip......It happened July 9th playing hockey. Also, after surgery there was a lot of swelling around my syatic nerve so it feels like my foot is on fire because of nerve damage and there's no pills to solve that problem.
Dude, OUCH! :eek: Sorry to hear that, man. I hope you recover soon. And here all this time I thought you were dissin' us. ;) Anyway, take it easy and get well SOON!
Syonara said:
Ya, I've got a severe fractured right acetabulum and dislocated femur. Basically its like breaking your hip......It happened July 9th playing hockey. Also, after surgery there was a lot of swelling around my syatic nerve so it feels like my foot is on fire because of nerve damage and there's no pills to solve that problem.

Am I alright? No, not really, I've been out almost 2 months now and still can't put any weight on my leg. And of course its my right leg too....... Thats why I haven't been around at all, maybe I'll see you guys at the pavilions before the year is over.
There's much more to the story, but I'm too drugged up to type it all.....

Actually, there IS a pill for that. In fact, there are several. Amitriptyline, Gabapentin to name a couple. Talk to your doctors, not the orthopedic, try an internist or neurologist.