Ariz. driver gets 70 speeding tickets in 5 months

12 March 2001
PHOENIX, Arizona (Reuters) - As a mortgage broker in Arizona, Francesca Cisneros is used to working with big numbers. It's the double-digit speed limits she has trouble with.

Cisneros racked up 70 speeding tickets in the last five months, a record for the Scottsdale Police Department, police said on Friday.

Speeding cameras in Scottsdale, a suburb of Phoenix, snapped pictures of the 32-year-old woman as she tore through the sun-baked city in her Honda Civic between March 2 and July 31.

"She told arresting officers she was speeding because she seemed to be late for client meetings all the time," Scottsdale Police Department spokesman Mark Clark told Reuters. "I guess she's got some time management issues."

The second-worst offender in the department's history accumulated a mere 25 tickets, Clark said.

Police said Cisneros said she threw her speeding tickets away because she thought nothing could happen to her if she didn't pay them.

Clark said Cisneros faces some $11,000 in fines and could have her license suspended.
steveny said:
Police said Cisneros said she threw her speeding tickets away because she thought nothing could happen to her if she didn't pay them.
She may be the fastest driver in the town, but she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer...
you really dont know what cameras are...
here in town the have cameras on the iside of the road, and on the freeway....they take picures of EVERYONE as they drive by, match them to how fast your going (radar and timing is both used) and mail you the ticket.

you can beat it, if the picure dosnt look like you.. (almost ALWAYS looks 100% like you) of if you can prove it wasnt you ince thier is no witness, and its not like the camera can testify in court.... pretty easty to get that many tickets actually....if you drive the same way to work.....go home for lunch...that could be 4 a day and you wouldnt even know it...

think about this....they have them all up and down the 101 freeway. for like 3-4 miles, right where we all drove for EXPO this year. I think there are 5 camera sites in that stretch... say your speeding down the road and go thru them all @ say 85 miles an hour on the way to the mall. you could get mailed 5 tickets for just that trip...........see how it sould add up FAST.....

really really sucks....


I can see red light cameras, but damn speeding cameras???
thank God we don't have'm here in So Cal or I'd have her beat:redface: :tongue:

remind me not to move to "Big Brother" Arizona :eek:
We're (AZ - scottsdale) the guinea pig city for this type of law enforcement. I read recently that the trial period is ending and that they will be disabling them soon. The results/effectiveness of them will be evaluated by all cities (including our own) and they will decide whether or not to use them. They definitely slow traffic on the 101 through North Scottsdale, but they're just so annoying. I personally hate them. I got one about a year ago that I never responded to and they never delivered it to me... they only serve about 30% of the ones that don't get responded to. If you get 70 of them, you better believe you'll have officers knocking at your door. The lady who did this was actually arrested.
redshift said:
We're (AZ - scottsdale) the guinea pig city for this type of law enforcement.
Those speeding cameras have been installed in Arizona for quite a while now, having been installed in Paradise Valley back in 1988 and in Scottsdale since 1997. They have been considered in jurisdictions outside of Arizona but most have rejected them, because most people feel that they are unfair. Also, in many states they cannot be used to issue citations without changes in the law. So I think it's safe to say that this is not a "new trend" that anyone can expect to spread all over the country.
steveny said:
Cisneros racked up 70 speeding tickets in the last five months, a record for the Scottsdale Police Department, police said on Friday.

Clark said Cisneros faces some $11,000 in fines and could have her license suspended.

COULD HAVE HER LICENSE SUSPENDED? WTF? 70 tickets in 5 months, and you COULD have your license suspended? What does it take 100 tickets in 5 months to guarantee that your license will be suspended?

My buddy got 2 speeding tickets in 2 months and the DMV sent him a letter and told him that if he gets a third ticket in the next 4 months, his license will be suspended.
01blacks4 said:
you really dont know what cameras are...
here in town the have cameras on the iside of the road, and on the freeway....they take picures of EVERYONE as they drive by, match them to how fast your going (radar and timing is both used) and mail you the ticket.

you can beat it, if the picure dosnt look like you.. (almost ALWAYS looks 100% like you) of if you can prove it wasnt you ince thier is no witness, and its not like the camera can testify in court.... pretty easty to get that many tickets actually....if you drive the same way to work.....go home for lunch...that could be 4 a day and you wouldnt even know it...

think about this....they have them all up and down the 101 freeway. for like 3-4 miles, right where we all drove for EXPO this year. I think there are 5 camera sites in that stretch... say your speeding down the road and go thru them all @ say 85 miles an hour on the way to the mall. you could get mailed 5 tickets for just that trip...........see how it sould add up FAST.....

really really sucks....


I would like to see how many tickets make it to the mailbox of a police officer. :biggrin:
nsxtasy said:
Those speeding cameras have been installed in Arizona for quite a while now, having been installed in Paradise Valley back in 1988 and in Scottsdale since 1997. They have been considered in jurisdictions outside of Arizona but most have rejected them, because most people feel that they are unfair. Also, in many states they cannot be used to issue citations without changes in the law. So I think it's safe to say that this is not a "new trend" that anyone can expect to spread all over the country.
Well, your mostly correct. Paradise Valley, which isn't a city, has had them on their streets for a loooooong time... true. Scottsdale has been using photo radar in their intersections since 1997... true. On January of this year (2006), Scottsdale started a demonstration program to determine the effectiveness of photo radar on highways/expressway/freeways. The strange part is that our state laws have not been changed to allow Scottsdale to issue citations for these types of violations... they still send the tickets out anyway :eek:! Either way, the program is supposed to to end this October... we shall see if that happens.

I didn't mean to imply that other cities would be following Scottsdale's lead, just that they are anxious to examine the results of this test. I was also pointing out that we volunteered ourselves (:frown:) to be the guinea pigs for highway photo enforcement - which is they type of radar that captured all 70 of the ladie's speed infractions.
01blacks4 said:
you really dont know what cameras are...

no, i had never heard of speeding cameras.

I'll never live in a place that has them. I dont care what I have to give up. That's ridiculous.
the funny thing was the first couple weeks in use on the freeway...they would give you a ticket, just a wrning as they worked out any kinks in the system.... people would BLAST thru...just to get a ticket/warning with a huge speed on it... people were doing 120 + all the time :)

then the cops started sitting behind the hill so yeah the camera takes the pic for the warning but the cop pulls ya over for the ticket :)
rickysals said:
no, i had never heard of speeding cameras.

I'll never live in a place that has them. I dont care what I have to give up. That's ridiculous.

You will... Once the politicians get a whiff of how much money these things bring-in... It doesn't matter how unpopular they are... It's the "safety" card that gets played and then they are everywhere before you know it!

It really is just a matter of time... No state will want to be on a lone crusade and not have them when they see all the other states around them raking in the $$$.

Speed cameras in Australia bring in Billions of $$$ now...
01blacks4 said:
the funny thing was the first couple weeks in use on the freeway...they would give you a ticket, just a wrning as they worked out any kinks in the system.... people would BLAST thru...just to get a ticket/warning with a huge speed on it... people were doing 120 + all the time :)

then the cops started sitting behind the hill so yeah the camera takes the pic for the warning but the cop pulls ya over for the ticket :)

Sounds like some stupid thing I would do
steveny said:
I would like to see how many tickets make it to the mailbox of a police officer. :biggrin:

Actually, there is a member of this site who is a commander in DPS (our highway patrol) who received a photo ticket and went to traffic school to clear it. I had a conversation with him about photo tickets and he stated that even if you receive the ticket in the mail and don't get served, and then ignore it, they will issue a bench warrant for failure to appear and you could be arrested if stopped by law enforcement. It's not worth it unless you never intend to drive in the state again.
12AMNSX said:
... even if you receive the ticket in the mail and don't get served, and then ignore it, they will issue a bench warrant for failure to appear and you could be arrested if stopped by law enforcement...
The traffic school instructor I spoke with a couple of years ago told me otherwise.

If that's the case, I'm a wanted man! :biggrin:
If these cameras where installed around here they would be up for one day until nightfall. That night, the local "good old boys" gun club would use them for target practice.
They have them in the UK now but there they decided to be "fair" about it - it wouldn't be cricket old chap if they just shot you unwittingly without giving you every opportunity to recognize the fact.
  1. They start by having huge (& I mean huge) signs by the side of the freeway (or street, whatever) warning that you are entering a speed camera monitored zone - sometimes they even remind you again!
  2. The camera is in a large (maybe 18" cube) box emblazoned with bright red & yellow stripes to ensure that no-one accidentally could injure themselves by inadvertently running into it - makes them easily visible from 500 yds and of course, you're looking for them because of bullet #1!
  3. When you get to the camera, if for some reason you happened to miss it & were intently focused on the pavement, you will come across a series of white grid lines over which the radar measures your speed & camera takes your picture. You actually have time to slam on the brakes prior to entering the grid if you see it soon enough.
As I was heading out to South Wales on M4 from Heathrow a couple of months ago, I was in such a zone (in a construction area) and observing the speed limit through the zone; a Porsche behind me was getting frustrated and as I pulled back into the left lane he zoomed by - just as we were entering the grid. Flash! Flash! Nice one Mr P.! Hope his ticket was worth it - saw him again at the Severn Bridge Toll booths about a half hour later so he must have really been in a hurry to get there a couple of cars in front of me!
steveny said:
If these cameras where installed around here they would be up for one day until nightfall. That night, the local "good old boys" gun club would use them for target practice.
I was really hoping that somebody was going to go ape-sh!t on those things when they went up on the freeway, but it never happened. :frown:

It might be due to the fact that the cameras are strategically placed in the state's most affluent areas.
redshift said:
I was really hoping that somebody was going to go ape-sh!t on those things when they went up on the freeway, but it never happened. :frown:

It might be due to the fact that the cameras are strategically placed in the state's most affluent areas.

In heavily populated areas it is not necessary to have a driver license to get around. Up here, where I live, everything is so far apart you HAVE to have a drivers license. So it is safe to say that everyone including all crazy people have a drivers license around here.

Now out where you live the very people who would have the balls (or nothing to lose) by shooting out the cameras are uneffected by the cameras because they can get everywhere they need to on foot.
91 X said:
I can see red light cameras, but damn speeding cameras???
thank God we don't have'm here in So Cal or I'd have her beat:redface: :tongue:
There's some construction on HWY 14 north of Mojave. About a month ago, I saw signs saying photo radar enforced. I don't know if it's temporary during construction or if they plan to put it in. However, my last trip through there, I didn't see the signs, and it never seemed to be enforced if there were cameras (no flashes at night). People would blow through the area 15-20 mph over. We might be next...