Are you "irresponsible"?

What have you hit lately in your NSX?

  • Good size dog

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Raccoon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Small Deer

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 19 86.4%

  • Total voters
26 March 2003
Tampa, FL
This poll stems from a discussion in another thread about "irresponsible" NSX drivers. I wouldn't presume to pass judgement on how irresponsible anyone is based on the type of car they own, or the speed at which they drive. There are just too many factors to consider (traffic, time of day, weather, city vs. highway, etc.). Yet so many people love to play God and tell others that they're irresponsible.
What are we intending to accomplish with this thread / poll?
How does the poll above let people know whether one is irresponsible or not?

9 times out of 10, if you hit another animal its an accident. I doubt anyone, be it NSX owner or not, would find enjoyment (I hope) in deliberately running over an animal and risking damage to their own car.

For me, to be irresponsible means that they open their doors into other people's cars, do not do maintenance, do not wash their car, and so on and so forth.

This thread is kinda lame if you ask me.
yes, i agree with all of the above. this poll will NOT say much about how drivers behave on the road.

though i have been in a friend's car when he intentionally ran over two ducks....his car was so low that we felt every single jolt from the ripping action.....very sick feeling.
uuuhhh,, little confused here.

I was the one defending the notion of driving fast when conditions allow. My original statement that 160mph was potentially irresponsible was in reference to own post about driving that fast. When someone joked around about being irresponsible to Not drive that fast when conditions warranted, I responded that realistically there are the potential non-human road hazards. In other words, irresponsible towards myself and my nsx--not other people.

so, what exactly is the purpose of this thread???

Are you joking with me or At me??
ok. nsxtasyMD. I just reread your initial thread post. I think youre halfcocked here. Go back and read the ENTIRE thread youre referring to here, and you'll see I was the one defending hypocritical comments regarding speeding. You extrapolated one of my comments out of several and tried to lump me in with the anti-speeding group.

The hitting animals comment was related to irresponsible self-endangerment, not endangerment of others. And not judging others.

Geez, you'd think people around here could be less hypocritical when theyre arguing against hypocrisy:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I've had the opportunity to drive the car at (indicated) speeds between 130 and 160 mph for over two hours once during a trip through Nevada on deserted highways. I've been called irresponsible for that. I have to disagree, I had plenty of time to slow for the two cows that I saw a mile or so ahead crossing the road.

However nobody called me irresponsible for doing 45mph on a local road in a light fog when I hit a deer. Unfortunately in the NSX. Fortunately someone else had done the initial killing before i got there, all that was left for me was a pile of baby-back ribs and a few hoofs. Still did a few thousand dollars worth of damage though.

Killing animals is irresponsible? I don't really think so.
chopsjazz: for what it's worth, i dont think that 2hrs was irresponsible. good to hear the nsx can handle high speeds for prolonged periods of time!

i agree with AndyVecsey & huckster... the poll question, options and discussion are over the place... we're polling for roadkill, but fighting over whether hispeed driving is irresponsible. What are we trying to achieve here? :confused:

BTW, you should have added "Cats" to the poll... in two categories; deliberate and accidental. ;) j/k
chopsjazz: nice cruising #s....once again the NSX has done it again....

....what's the topic again? i've forgotten all about it...change topic please. ;)