Are you getting the H1N1 shot?

I did an inspection on an apartment today where everyone was sick and they said they had the swine flu. They also stated that 59 kids were sent home from the school district with the swine flu. Renee and I were racing to the car to get to the sanitizer. We both bathed in the stuff, TWICE!!!
(having just read your latest post on the swine flu tenants)

it's like you're psychic, eh? :eek:

Well if it were out of the norm to I would say yes.

BTW, I got the regular flu shot not the swine flu shot. I want to get the swine flu shot but at this point no one has the brew.
likewise. i'll get the swine flu as soon as it's available to me.

if your right handed have the injection in the left arm. My mind was elsewhere when I had the regular flu shot. My arm hurt pretty bad for 2-3 days after the shot. I think the nurse did it on purpose. She is always messing with me. Last year she was trying to get me to drop my pants to give me the shot in my ass.
if your right handed have the injection in the left arm. My mind was elsewhere when I had the regular flu shot. My arm hurt pretty bad for 2-3 days after the shot. I think the nurse did it on purpose. She is always messing with me. Last year she was trying to get me to drop my pants to give me the shot in my ass.

She told me you're always coming there and wanting to take your pants off.:eek:
I have never had a flu shot and don't plan on getting the H1N1 shot either. I volunteer in a hospital every Friday morning and I'm asked to get the shot. I decline. I don't want to jinx myself but I haven't had the flu since I was 11 and I'm 51.
Here's the article I read in Wired. I think it's worth reading simply to educate yourself if you're one of the people on the fence of believing the pseudo-science anti-vaccination movement. It's a bit scary, especially after learning that many of the parents in my town have never had their children vaccinated for anything! That puts my kids in danger.
"Of even more concern, is the administration of vaccines nasally (through the nose), or accidental passage via that route (98). Fields Virology text (2001) says, “The olfactory tract has long been recognized as an alternative pathway to the CNS
[central nervous system]…olfactory neurons…are unprotected by the blood brain barrier.” While that writer particularly addresses the flavivirus family [i.e., “intranasal inoculation of flaviviruses may result in lethal encephalitis” (99)], this pattern of potential danger may deserve further attention than it currently receives, especially if there ever is consideration to use a method of nasal inoculation for mass vaccination of the public or military, and there may be contaminating viruses or toxins in a vaccine that have an affinity for nerve cells and tissues."

Tamiflu also is not good..

Neuroexcitatory actions of Tamiflu and its carboxylate metabolite.

Izumi Y, Tokuda K, O'dell KA, Zorumski CF, Narahashi T.

Washington University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134, 660 S Euclid Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110, United States. [email protected]

"Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is now being stockpiled by several governments as a first line treatment for an anticipated outbreak of avian influenza caused by H5N1. However, abnormal behaviors and death associated with the use of Tamiflu have developed into a major issue in Japan where Tamiflu is often prescribed for seasonal influenza. Thus, it is critical to determine neuropsychiatric effects of oseltamivir and to establish methods for safe administration. Using juvenile rats and rat hippocampal slices, we investigated whether oseltamivir has adverse effects on the central nervous system. Systemic injection of oseltamivir (50mg/kg i.p.) produced no change in behavior within 2h. However, prior injection of oseltamivir significantly altered the duration of loss of lightning reflex following ethanol injection (3.3g/kg, i.p.). Ethanol injection in the presence of oseltamivir also resulted in enhanced hypothermia. In the CA1 region of hippocampal slices, oseltamivir (100 microM) induced paired-pulse facilitation in population spikes without changes in excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Similarly, 3 microM oseltamivir carboxylate, the active metabolite of oseltamivir, facilitated neuronal firing, though the facilitation did not involve GABAergic disinhibition. Moreover, oseltamivir carboxylate produced further facilitation following administration of 60mM ethanol. These findings indicate that oseltamivir has effects on the central nervous system, especially when combined with other agents."

"Vaccines which have been approved by the responsible government authorities for vaccination against the alleged H1N1 Influenza A Swine Flu have been found to contain nano particles. Vaccine makers have been experimenting with nanoparticles as a way to “turbo charge” vaccines for several years. Now it has come out that the vaccines approved for use in Germany and other European countries contain nanoparticles in a form that reportedly attacks healthy cells and can be deadly."

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Heck no! Personally, I think there is something severly creepy about the whole thing. Funny how they came out with a vaccine in no time at all but they can't come out with a vaccine for viruses that have been around for hundreds of years.

I just don't trust the stuff, pharma, and am not ruling out foul play!
My wife is 7 months pregnant and this is a big decision for us.
Base on on quickly this was pushed out, we will pass.
My wife is 7 months pregnant and this is a big decision for us.
Base on on quickly this was pushed out, we will pass.

If she does not get the shot,then keep her away from sick people untill she delivers.
hi HTN,

My wife is 7 months pregnant as well and just got the shot a few weeks ago. It was pretty difficult to find. She was very nervous about getting it as well. She is completely fine though and has had no side effects. There was a story in our local paper recently about a pregnant woman who caught swine flu back in June and spent 4 months in the hospital and lost her baby. It seems like it can be a very nasty virus.
just got mine, am not allowed to decline it due to job (front-line patient care).
Got the seasonal flu shot 4 weeks ago. I've never become ill from the seasonal flu shot and never had Influenza. I'll let you all know if I get sick from this one...
hope not, got a couple hot dates lined up...:biggrin:
My wife is 18 weeks pregnant at the moment and we are thinking about the H1N1 vaccine.

Its just arrived in Dubai and if we are moving back to Canada we should get it as everytime we arrive back we get sick (change of climates?).

Anyway we are thinking about it...hard call.
Heck no! Personally, I think there is something severly creepy about the whole thing. Funny how they came out with a vaccine in no time at all but they can't come out with a vaccine for viruses that have been around for hundreds of years.

Wow. Influenza vaccines typically take about 6 months from the time the variants of influenza they wish to vaccinate against for that year is identified to the time vaccine is available to the general public. This particular virus was identified in March and scientific work was well underway by April. I'm not sure why you seem to think it came out in "no time at all," as it has been the same development time as all influenza type vaccines.

The reason there are other viruses we can't develop vaccines for is that different viruses work differently and some do not lend themselves to the ways we know of to develop vaccines.
My wife is 18 weeks pregnant at the moment and we are thinking about the H1N1 vaccine.

Its just arrived in Dubai and if we are moving back to Canada we should get it as everytime we arrive back we get sick (change of climates?).

Anyway we are thinking about it...hard call.

She absolutely should get the dead vaccine (injection). You are probably only eligible for the live/attenuated vaccine (nasal), I'd hesitate to get that if I didn't have to.
1. My kid's pediatrian mentioned that "A ton" of kids in our school have contracted H1N1 virus. None of them have she knows of have drastic reaction. All of them had mild symptons similar to the common flu.

2. I know someone who took the Vaccine had side effects of heart palpatations and felt under the weather for the entire week.

3. For those on the fence, consider waiting a few more weeks. Back in 1976, Swine flu vaccine was used in the US, within 10 weeks, the administrators realized there was a problem with the many cases of GBR (Guillain-Barré) surfacing. The program was halted. Not saying this will repeat, but if you are on the fence, you might consider waiting a few more weeks to ensure it is in the clear. CDC is monitoring the reactions from this vaccine.

4. My physican's kid has H1N1 virus. She doesn't have it. She hardly get sick or catch the flu, even though she see a great deal of sick individuals. I asked her about this and she mentioned that she only gets sick when she was preganant (Immune compromised) and when she doesn't get enough sleep.

5. A recent Dutch study suggest kids should not get vaccinated against the seasonal flu because children infected with seasonal flu acquire a certain kind of immunity that might protect them against new flu outbreaks like swine flu or bird flu. A follow up study will be done to establish whether there is a link between those that get seasonal flu shots (lacking natural immunity) may have more complicated symptons and longer recovery when they contract the H1N1 virus.

6. If you are healthy, have no underlying conditions, and elect to not get the vaccine, your best defense is your body fighting off the virus yourself. Arm yourself with at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep, healthy diet, and plenty of exercise. and your chances of catching it or having a severe reaction is reduced.
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all of your fears/questions are all hot topics ,esp in this era of 24/7 news and the internet,but We are seeing a significant number of young healthy folks having serious/bad outcomes directly related to a overly powerful immune response,particularly the lungs.So blunting ones immune system by introducing the virus particle with vaccine makes some sense.
Those that I know who had the most serious reaction were all the healthiest prior to infection. A 27 year old acquaintance was completely debilitated for two solid weeks by it. Until I heard his first hand account I thought the H1N1 was a joke, apparently so did he. He had vertigo for several days due to the fever, the worst muscle pains of his life, and some side effects you don't even want to know about. I quote- "I feel abused" in reference to the virus.

This one from probably similar in demographics tells a similar story-
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all of your fears/questions are all hot topics ,esp in this era of 24/7 news and the internet,but We are seeing a significant number of young healthy folks having serious/bad outcomes directly related to a overly powerful immune response,particularly the lungs.So blunting ones immune system by introducing the virus particle with vaccine makes some sense.

Are there any long term effects from particularly bad cases of H1N1? I supposedly suffered some damage in my lungs from when I had pneumonia as a child. I wasn't told until I was a teenager after some sort of scan confirmed I didn't have any scar tissue. I can't recall if the Spanish Flu epidemic resulted in any long term issues for generations of that era.
An otherwise healthy child in the elementary school down the street died after contracting H1N1. My two sets of twins (boys 3 and girls 1) have all been vaccinated.

I will take the miniscule chances of a serious side effect (most of which are temporary) from the vaccine over the small chance of VERY serious, potentially deadly, effects of the flu.

As far as the vaccine being untested that is BS. The injectable formula, with the exception of the specific virus, is the same that has been used for many years. The only thing that is reformulated each year is the specific virus, and we've known what the specific virus is for a number of months. The only reason it is slow to get out is that the virus hasn't grown as well in controlled circumstances as they thought it would.

There's no need to be scared either way, and yes the media is overhyping it. How else can half a dozen channels fill a 24 hour news day? So just think clearly, research to your heart's content, then make an informed choice. Mine was based on discussions with a close friend who is an ER nurse who told me that 40% of their intensive care room is filled with H1N1 victims as opposed to about 10% at the peak of a typical flu season. Flu season hasn't even started yet.